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ALIA Library

"Just dance" with digital literacy

ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference, 2-5 February 2015 Sydney : at the edge.
This conference  paper provides an analysis of a case study in which liaison librarians collaborated with science academics to develop innovative digital literacy activities and assessment tasks for undergraduate units related to ‘Judging Reliability and Accuracy of Information’.
The case study reveals that engaging students in meaningful learning activities and assessment tasks creates dynamic and powerful learning experiences for first and second year students. In addition, the leadership that the liaison librarians demonstrate in activities that capitalise on problem based learning, elements of gaming, peer assessment, and new ways of communicating has prompted open conversations and collaborations with academics about further opportunities.

'Just dance' with digital literacy

ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference, 2-5 February 2015 Sydney: at the edge.
This conference presentation provides an analysis of a case study in which liaison librarians collaborated with science academics to develop innovative digital literacy activities and assessment tasks for undergraduate units related to ‘Judging Reliability and Accuracy of Information’.
The case study reveals that engaging students in meaningful learning activities and assessment tasks creates dynamic and powerful learning experiences for first and second year students. In addition, the leadership that the liaison librarians demonstrate in activities that capitalise on problem based learning, elements of gaming, peer assessment, and new ways of communicating has prompted open conversations and collaborations with academics about further opportunities.

ALIA submission to the inquiry into the National Cultural Policy "Revive", March 2023

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) highlights some of the significant advances under Revive of particular importance to Australia’s library community, and areas where we are looking to build by working further with the Australian Government, creators, the book industry, the cultural heritage sector and the wider community as the plan is iterated.


ALIA Professional Pathways Frameworks Project Phase One Consultations: Research Report

In the second half of 2022, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) was engaged in the first phase of consultation conducted as a key step in the Professional Pathways initiative. The stated goals of the Professional Pathways project are to build a shared understanding of the different areas of knowledge and skills, and the values and ethics that people employed in the library and information services (LIS) sector will need, and to consider what pathways might best support them as they develop and shape their capabilities throughout their career journey. The project supports ALIA’s strategic priority of ensuring the LIS sector has a resilient, talented and diverse LIS workforce with the strength and agility to navigate a rapidly changing workplace and deliver quality library and information services which anticipate and meet the needs of the Australian community.
The Professional Pathways Advisory Board tasked the Professional Pathways team with the design and development of a draft framework, which should then be subject to sector-wide review and feedback. Consultation activities commenced in late July 2022, running through to early November 2022. This report outlines and discusses the details of the Phase One Consultations.

"It’s what we do here": Embedding evidence-based practice at USQ Library

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference paper discusses the creation of a role dedicated to embedding evidence-based practice into Australian academic libraries. By explicitly positioning evidence-based practice so prominently within USQ Library we are taking a leap forward, using local, professional and research evidence to transform our collections, spaces and services in response to ever-evolving client needs.
Over the past two decades, evidence-based practice and its application to library and information science has been an ongoing topic of discussion among researchers and practitioners. Evidence-based practice refers to a structured process of collecting, interpreting and applying valid and reliable research and evidence to support decision making and continuous service improvement in professional practice. Earlier research focused on how librarians perceive and experience evidence-based practice, and the benefits of doing so.  In 2016, the University of Southern Queensland Library chose to intentionally incorporate evidence-based practice, by creating a role explicitly dedicated to enabling capacity among staff and to develop the library’s evidence base. While other libraries may have a person responsible for analysing data and statistics, the Coordinator, Evidence-based Practice, is charged with a broader mandate – to work with library staff to develop tools, skills and expertise in evidence-based practice. By doing this, we aim to enable the library to demonstrate value to stakeholders, gain a deeper understanding of clients’ needs and experiences, promote robust decision making and improve service delivery.
This paper draws on recent research and the broader, existing understanding of evidence-based library and information practice to describe why this role was created and how the Coordinator, Evidence-based Practice is working to engage with library staff to understand their business and the evidence needed to support business improvement for the Library.  The paper will discuss how we have supported a culture of evidence-based practice and the benefits of having a dedicated role has had on building the capacity of library staff as evidence-based practitioners. USQ Library is still at the beginning of the journey in developing, not only the evidence-based practice function, but also harnessing the potential of the local evidence base to support the university’s strategic goals and objectives. The new role of Coordinator, Evidence-Based Practice, demonstrates evidence-based practice in action.  It represents a clear strategic and intentional commitment by decision makers to make evidence-based practice a visible, embedded and valuable part of professional practice at USQ Library. 


"Same truth, different reality": information literacy practices in vocational and vocational/higher education TAFE libraries

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
The aim of this conference presentation is to examine the differences in information literacy (IL) practices for VET students from TAFE libraries across Vocational only and Vocational and Higher Education delivering, TAFE institutes.
It will examine the content, delivery methods and barriers of IL practices across these two types of TAFE institution with a view to identify the likely differences facing IL programs in different types of TAFE library, and to provide suggestions on how best to tailor the IL practices to suit the particular student and teacher cohort.

Australian Library and Information Association Annual Report 2020

Contents: About ALIA -- President's report -- Chief Executive Officer's report -- Director Corporate Services' report -- Director of Learning's report -- Director of Conferences and Events' report -- How we performed against the ALIA Board's strategic plan -- Our membership -- Advocacy campaigns -- Government and stakeholder relations -- Conferences and events -- ALIA in the regions -- Education, professional development and training -- Awards -- Communications -- Financial statements.



Library Lovers' Day 2021: social media guide

The theme for Library Lovers' Day 2021 was 'Make a date with your library'. The day is an annual opportunity for people to celebrate the valuable role that libraries play in their lives.
The purpose of this guide is to assist you to run a successful Library Lovers’ Day social media campaign and to promote your library. Running a successful social media campaign will help you to gain attention for your library services, attract more attendees to your library events and increase overall attention for the LIS industry.

Australian public libraries statistical report 2022-23

The Australian Public Libraries Statistical Report is an annual project by the Australian Library and Information Association Australian Public Libraries Alliance (ALIA APLA) and National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) that identifies and measures usage and activities of Australia's public library services over the financial year. This report covers the statistics in the financial year 1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023.

An illegal adoption? — What future for fair use in Australia?

ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference, 2-5 February 2015, Sydney: at the edge.
In 2014 the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) recommended the introduction of an American-style fair use, an architecture of non category-based permissible exceptions to the exclusive rights of copyright owners. The conference presentation discusses the ALRC report and possible futures for Australian copyright law.

ALIA Board of Directors: Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct has been drawn up with regard to the responsibility entrusted to the elected members of the Australian Library and Information Association's (ALIA’s) Board of Directors. It outlines fundamental principles to guide the Board to act in a way that is fair, ethical and beneficial for ALIA and its members. Every member of the Board of Directors is expected to comply with the spirit and letter of this code.
The Code of Conduct was endorsed at ALIA Board meeting on 3 July 2017 and will be reviewed every four years.

"Just Dance" with digital literacy

ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference, 2-5 February 2015, Sydney: at the edge.
This conference paper shares a new approach to digital literacy development and is divided into four dance elements: Getting Fit for the Dance (digital literacy concept, contexts and definition as used at Deakin University); First steps of the Dance (building liaison librarian capacity; the digitally literate student); Practicing the Dance ( the Case Study and results); and the Dance Finale (Conclusion).

APSIG Newsletter No. 93, March 2017

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

2016 national research infrastructure roadmap capability issues paper

This submission by the Australian Library and Information Assocation (ALIA) is in response to questions posed by the National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper July 2016.
The Australian Government requested the development of the 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap to determine Australia's national research infrastructure needs to underpin research efforts over the next decade.

10 steps to a successful lobbying campaign

Contents: Stage 1 - Find out all you can about the issue -- Stage 2 - Script your story -- Stage 3 - Develop key messages -- Stage 4 - Map the audience -- Stage 5 - Build the platform for the call to action -- Stage 6 - Develop materials -- Stage 7 - Develop opportunities -- Stage 8 - Put this all together in a campaign strategy -- Stage 9 - Implementation -- Stage 10 - Monitor and evaluate.

10 ways that libraries power high performance schools

Australian school libraries power high performance government, Catholic and independent schools through providing modern learning environments, digital hubs, developing student research skills, promoting reading for pleasure, providing curriculum support and cybersafety education, celebrating diversity, enabling participation and access, coordinating special programs, and building communities.

50 years of ALIA Schools

This document provides a timeline that covers the milestones in the history of school libraries which became a separate section of the Library Association of Australia, now the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), in 1967. It also highlights significant events in the education and/or government sectors. Data from many of the reports commissioned by ALIA was used for lobbying federal government bodies which resulted in funding for school library buildings and resources. This funding, together with an emphasis on positive learning outcomes for students, has ensured that school libraries are influential within the education and library communities. For fifty years ALIA Schools has supported its members to make a positive difference to student learning outcomes. This support has also ensured that teacher librarians and school library staff are effective professionals.
