Cultural policy

ALIA Library

A new National Cultural Policy: submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)

ALIA's submission to government on the new National Cultural Policy, underscoring the importance of First Nations representation in the library and information services sector, the applicability of the policy's 'place for every story' line, and the significant place of strong institutions in supporting the policy in reaching audiences and supporting artists. 

ALIA submission to the inquiry into the National Cultural Policy "Revive", March 2023

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) highlights some of the significant advances under Revive of particular importance to Australia’s library community, and areas where we are looking to build by working further with the Australian Government, creators, the book industry, the cultural heritage sector and the wider community as the plan is iterated.


Let's Work Together For Sustainability

This document is an article published in INCITE July/August 2019 Volume 40, Issue 7/8.
Australian librarian and ALIA Fellow, Christine MacKenzie, will become the President of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) at the World Library and Information Congress in Athens later this year for the 2019–2021 term. Before she commences her presidency, ALIA grabbed a moment of her time to have a chat about her presidential theme, the challenges on the horizon, and what she’s most looking forward to in her time in office.

ALIA submission in response to the National Cultural Policy discussion paper, October 2011

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the development of a National Cultural Policy. A coherent national policy can provide the leverage and the focus that channels funding to agreed national priorities. For libraries, where our role spans many sectors, a national policy can bring together the complex parts and provide a clear statement of priority and intent. ALIA submits the following recommendations:

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