Archives and libraries

ALIA Library

Sustainable Development Goals: Stretch targets baseline report

10 Sustainable Development Goal stretch targets are proposed for libraries in Australia from 2020-2030, following a period of refinement from September 2019. Targets address literacy; access to knowledge; equitable access; culture and heritage; sustainable communities; contribution to health and wellbeing; diversity and gender equality; lifelong learning; and global citizenship. 
The report tracks the current status of lead agencies against the SDG stretch targets as of January 2022. 

APSIG Newsletter No. 98, November 2018

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 97, July 2018

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 96, March 2018

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 95, November 2017

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 94, July 2017

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 93, March 2017

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 92, November 2016

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 91, July 2016

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.

APSIG Newsletter No. 90, March 2016

ALIA Asia Pacific Special Interest Group (ALIA APSIG) was a national group that aimed to lead efforts in identifying new sources of support for the development between information professionals in the region, through two-way co-operation. It also aimed to provide a forum for members to discuss regional professional issues and to communicate these to the appropriate forum; hosts public talks relating to relevant issues; and produce a membership newsletter three times per year.


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