Strategic planning

ALIA Library

ALIA Strategic Plan 2021-2024

The ALIA Board met on 10 August 2021 to develop the next iteration of the ALIA Strategic Plan 2020-2024, with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as its planning framework. At this time, and for the next four  years, the ALIA Board foresees the need for a four-fold approach:

ALIA Strategic Plan 2019-2023

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) will achieve its vision, provide leadership, and influence the successful evolution of the library and information (LIS) sector in Australia through the four strategic priorities: leadership and advocacy; members and membership; education and professional development; future-proofing ALIA.
ALIA will actively seek out partnerships and opportunities for collaboration which will complement our strategic priorities and provide us with further opportunities to expand our capacity, reach and profile.

ALIA Strategic Plan 2020-2024

The ALIA Board met on 17 August 2020 to develop the next iteration of the ALIA Strategic Plan, in response to the extraordinary social environment, with the nation divided between states and territories with no COVID-19 cases and those striving to eliminate the Coronavirus. At this time, and for the next five years, the ALIA Board foresees the need for a four-fold approach:

An agile, flexible future for ALIA: Q & A sheet

The Australian Library and Information Association’s (ALIA) move into a new building in Canberra in 1990 - 9-11 Napier Close, Deakin - was a major step for the Association. Over the years, ALIA Directors have debated the merits of retaining the building as the Association's main asset. After consultation with an Advisory Committee of long-term ALIA members and senior library leaders, the ALIA Board has made the decision to progress with the sale of the building. The property will be listed for sale in May 2020.

An agile, flexible future for the Australian Library and Information Association

The Australian Library and Information Association’s (ALIA) move into a new building in Canberra in 1990 - 9-11 Napier Close, Deakin - was a major step for the Association. Over the years, ALIA Directors have debated the merits of retaining the building as the Association's main asset. After consultation with an Advisory Committee of long-term ALIA members and senior library leaders, the ALIA Board has made the decision to progress with the sale of the building. The property will be listed for sale in May 2020.

ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance National strategy and action plan 2019-2022

The 2019-2022 ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance National strategy and action plan builds on the previous plan for 2015-2018 and the national vision and framework for Australian public libraries 2010-2015 within the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Strategic priorities and actions for the next three years are: 
1. National public library collaboration and advocacy
2. Supporting literacy and lifelong learning
3. Informed and connected citizens
4. Digital inclusion
5. Personal development and wellbeing

ALIA submission in response to the WA Public Libraries Strategy Consultation

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation and commends the WA Public Libraries Working Group on its approach to planning for the future. Public libraries are transforming their facilities, programs, services, technologies and staff skills to meet the challenges of our increasingly digital society. However, a significant additional investment in terms of funding, resources, skills and capacity is needed to ensure plans can be realised.

2016 national research infrastructure roadmap capability issues paper

This submission by the Australian Library and Information Assocation (ALIA) is in response to questions posed by the National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper July 2016.
The Australian Government requested the development of the 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap to determine Australia's national research infrastructure needs to underpin research efforts over the next decade.


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