Library science

ALIA Library

Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA) Working Group: Terms of Reference

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) currently publishes the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association (JALIA) under agreement with Taylor and Francis. 
The JALIA Working Group is to provide advice to the ALIA Board on the future publishing options for the Association’s journal. The JALIA Working Group will be constituted for a period of 24 months.
This document sets out the the JALIA Working Group Terms of Reference.

HCL Anderson Award

The HCL Anderson Award is awarded in recognition of outstanding service to the library and information profession in Australia, to ALIA, to the theory of library and information science, and/or to the practice of library and information services. 
This document provides general information and an application for nomination of an individual to receive the award.


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