Academic libraries

ALIA Library

Impact and management of mis/disinformation in university libraries in Australia

This snapshot report outlines key findings and recommendations from a research project conducted on the impact and management of mis/disinformation in university libraries in Australia. The full results, literature review, research approach and methods can be found in an article ‘The Impact and Management of Mis/Disinformation at University Libraries in Australia’ in the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association

The devil’s in the detail – operating a 24x7 library [slides]

Curtin University clients have been interested for many years in the Library providing more access to the physical building along with services. In 2013 the Library building underwent a major refurbishment to cater for these needs. Once complete it was possible to position the Library towards a stage by stage progressive journey to a 24x7 model. At the beginning of 2015 we have achieved what was once considered unattainable, a Library open 24 hours a day.

The devil’s in the detail – operating a 24x7 library

Curtin University clients have been interested for many years in the Library providing more access to the physical building along with services. In 2013 the Library building underwent a major refurbishment to cater for these needs. Once complete it was possible to position the Library towards a stage by stage progressive journey to a 24x7 model. At the beginning of 2015 we have achieved what was once considered unattainable, a Library open 24 hours a day.

Change management: redesigning, reskilling and redeploying

National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium, 30 October - 1 November 2013, Canberra: waves of change.
This paper examines the change management process from the announcement of the change through to the implementation of the new supplier. The paper presents findings from team surveys and interviews conducted throughout the process. Recommendations are given for staff facing similar changes in their own work environments.

Sustainable Development Goals: Stretch targets baseline report

10 Sustainable Development Goal stretch targets are proposed for libraries in Australia from 2020-2030, following a period of refinement from September 2019. Targets address literacy; access to knowledge; equitable access; culture and heritage; sustainable communities; contribution to health and wellbeing; diversity and gender equality; lifelong learning; and global citizenship. 
The report tracks the current status of lead agencies against the SDG stretch targets as of January 2022. 

Real Impact

Article from INCITE January/February 2022 Volume 43 Issue 1: Beginnings.
Discussion of the ways university librarians can support the production of research impact assessments in Australian universities.


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