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ALIA Library

Submission in response to the Productivity Commission Issues Paper: National Education Evidence Base

This paper is submitted as feedback to the Productivity Commission’s Issues Paper relating to the National Education Evidence Base.  ALIA comes to this from a number of perspectives:  as a member of the informal coalition of organisations promoting a national early literacy strategy for Australia; as the peak body for libraries, with members in the school, academic and public library networks; and as an Australian Research Institute supporting deeper knowledge and evidencebased practice in the library and information sector.

Submission in response to the Review of Research Policy and Funding Arrangements for Higher Education

The national network of university librarians and their interactions with colleagues in research, government, law, health and corporate libraries provides an opportunity to support data access, information sharing and collaboration across all sectors.

This degree of connection between library and information professionals enhances their already valued contribution to the research agenda in universities. 

Submission in response to the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee review into telecommunications services in Regional Australia

ALIA supports the development of a new model for minimising broadband data transmission costs for public information accessed through public institutions such as libraries and for non-commercial purposes.

It was also noted that there is a need for assistance from public library staff for users of electronic services, both for accessing government information and for everyday online tasks.

Submission in response to the teaching, training and research costing studying public consultation paper - independent hospital pricing authority (IHPA) - December 2014

This paper is submitted as feedback to the IHPA (Independent Hospital Pricing Authority) public consultation paper prepared by Paxton Partners ‘Teaching, training and research costing study’ issued in December 2014.

The Executive of HLA is greatly concerned at the omission in the public consultation paper of the role performed by health libraries, and by information technology in general, in the paper prepared by Paxton Partners on the creation of an appropriate classification (costing study) for teaching, training and research (TTR).

Newsletter (November 1971)

Contents: 1st meeting called Report of Meeting, 23rd Nov, 1971; formation of a Victorian Branch of the Medical Librarians' Group; the following resolutions were made: that such a group be formed, eligibility, subscription cost $2 per annum, frequency of meetings and no committee was formed, Fay Baker and Enid Meldrum were appointed as joint conveners of the Group. 
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (February 1972)

Contents: A workshop of stationery forms used in medical libraries was planned for the meeting on 16 May 1972; inter-library loan procedures will be discussed during the August meeting; Judith Quilter presented a report on an application to the Wages Board hearing; the Medical Librarians' Group  information card was discussed and samples circulated; John Vaughan hopes to establish a group in Canberra; Miss Harrison and Mrs Baillie as co-conveners of the National Steering Committee were asked to report to the Australian Library Journal about the formation of the group and the conveners of the Victorian Branch will report to Vibra.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (May 1972)

Contents: The group now has 41 members; Miss Harrison and Mrs Baillie reported that New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and South Australia had formed state branches; slides (courtesy of the National Library) shown by Anne Harrison on the formation and work of MEDLARS; Miss Quilter reported on the application of the Association of Hospital and Health Services Librarians to the Wages Board, it was expected an interim award would align the salaries of medical librarians with those of medical photographers; inter-libary loans procedures and protocol is to be the subject of the next meeting; display of stationery discussed eg loans systems cards, ILL request and record, overdue notices, periodical accessioning cards, literature search requests.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (August 1972)

Contents: membership = 44; report on wages case for the Association of Hospital and Health Services Librarians; report on Anne Harrison's visit to Sydney Branch where their meetings have speakers giving lectures rather than the workshop-type approach; proposed submission to the forthcoming Committee on Medical Schools of the Australian Universities Commission stressed the need for the provision of funds for library support to the medical schools' teaching and research functions, to the emerging concept of continuing education for medical practitioners, and the provision of trained personnel with adequate salaries for both medical school and teaching hospital libraries; plans for a course in medical librarianship; talk on interlibrary loan procedures; possible adaptation of NLM's List of journals indexed in Index Medicus to be annotated for journal holdings.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Submission to the Review of the operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) and the Australian Information Act 2010 (IC Act)

This submission recommends: Amendments to the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), as it applies to government information, in order to promote freedom of access ; nominating a single agency and providing it with the funding and resources to store government information and make it accessible to the public; recognise and develop the role of national, state and public libraries in connecting every Australian with the information generated by government. 


Submission in response to the Australian Government Productivity Commission Issues Paper on childcare and early childhood learning from the Australian Library and Information Association Public Libraries Advisory Committee

Australian Library and Information Association is responding to the Early Childhood Learning element of the Productivity Commission Issues Paper, with the aim of: securing explicit acknowledgement of the role of Australian public libraries in early childhood development in the final report to Government (31 October 2014), and encouraging discussion to identify further opportunities for the national network of 1500 public libraries to be used by federal, state and local government to support early childhood learning provision.

Submission to the Australian law reform commission inquiry into copyright and the digital economy

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the Australian Law Librarians' Association (ALIA) to the Australian law reform commission inquiry into copyright and the digital ecomony discusses the possible reform of Australia's copyright law to benefit the digital economy.
Copyright law impacts on most of what libraries do. It affects the services that libraries can provide to their users and the conditions under which they provide access to copyright materials. It affects the way in which libraries can undertake effective archival and preservation activities. Librarians have traditionally been guardians of copyright. Now they have also become creators of copyright materials, both with digital content and organisational websites.

ALIA national 2014 conference program

National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
ALIA National Conference provides the platform as a meeting point for all Library and Information professionals, from all sectors and all areas of Australia and the international community. 


Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission's discussion paper relating to copyright and the digital economy

This brief submission raised the issue of libraries' limited access to ebooks for elending purposes because of publishers' restrictions on sales of ebook titles to libraries. It raised concerns about some publishers refusing to allow libraries to acquire ebooks for lending concurrent with their general release, at a fair and affordable price, and under licences that acknowledge copyright law exceptions for libraries.

Submission in response to the Australian House of Representatives Inquiry into the role of Technical and Further Education system and its operation

ALIA responded to the Inquiry into the role of Technical and Further Education system and its operation, with the aim of: (1) encouraging acknowledgement of the important role of Australian TAFE libraries in supporting VET students, and (2) explaining the importance of a VET entry point for library and information professionals. 

Journey maps and customer hacks: redesigning services at the State Library of Victoria

ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference, 2-5 February 2015 Sydney : at the edge
This conference paper discusses a redesigned service model is based on eight foundation service principles. The new service model articulates a future state for us to work towards. We have designed service zones that are aligned to designated library spaces. We have redesigned our service processes to make them simpler for staff and easier for the customer. Our new service model brings together the physical and digital to create an integrated customer experience of the library.

