Who is this place for anyway? Co-creating learning with kids

ALIA Library

Morris, Sharon; Underwood, Leisel

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead.
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) explores how the Community Learning Team at the State Library of South Australia examined how cultural organisations can remain relevant to learners in the 21st century. The team is rising to this challenge, reimagining our role, welcoming new technologies and co-creating dynamic learning opportunities with students that foster creativity, research and collaboration.
This session tells the story of how we led a project with students from grades 6 to 10 over a period of two months to authentically co-create a learning program to accompany the exhibition, A Theatre inside the Book, Paper Engineering from the Collections of the State Library of South Australia. All learning experiences are closely designed in line with the Australian Curriculum (ACARA) and Teaching for Effective Learning Framework.  This program was focused on the learning areas of Humanities and Social Sciences: History, The Arts: Visual Arts, Design and Technologies and the General Capabilities of literacy, numeracy, critical and creative thinking.
Capturing student voice over time and in a variety of ways has been critical in challenging our thinking, ensuring learning experiences reflect student voice and offer opportunity deeper engagement with the collections and stories of the State Library. In this session we will share a short documentary that offers insights into what students value, think and feel about the process of co-creation.  It highlights how this process has fostered for students, a sense of ownership and personal connection with the State Library and shifted the focus of adults from being the sage on the stage to the guide on the side.
So, who is this place for anyway?  It is a place for all.

Deakin, ACT : Australian Library and Information Association
State Library of South Australia