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ALIA Library

ALIA core values policy statement

A thriving culture, economy, environment and democracy requires the free flow of information and ideas. Australia's library and information services are fundamental to the free flow of information and ideas and a legacy to each generation, conveying the knowledge of the past and the promise of the future.
Library and information services professionals commit themselves to the ten core values of their profession as described in the Australian Library and Information Association values statement.
This document is superceded by ALIA core values policy statement (2024)

ALIA member code of conduct statement

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) requires members, both personal and institutional, to adhere to the highest standards of ethical practice and professional competence. All members are bound by the ALIA Constitution to act responsibly and to be accountable for their actions. The ALIA Code of Conduct establishes a common understanding of the responsibilities of members.
This document is superceded by "ALIA member code of conduct statement" (2020).


ALIA statement on library and information services staff appointments

As the standards body for the library and information profession in Australia, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) establishes the formal qualifications required as a basis for entry to the profession. It is vital therefore that the Association promotes the principle that staff appointed to librarian and library technician positions hold qualifications appropriate to those positions. Where formal librarian or library technician qualifications are required for a particular position, this requirement should be articulated in the job description for the position.

ALIA statement on non-standard employment

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) recognises that new forms of work have developed in response to the need for increased labour market flexibility. ALIA believes an appropriate, legal and fair employment policy balances the need for flexibility with protection for employees.
ALIA notes the increasing incidence of nonstandard work in Australian library and information services. The Association acknowledges the use of part-time, casual and genuine non-employee work, to the extent that it increases flexibility for both management and employees. However, the Association does not support the increasing casualisation of employment which is evident in some sectors

ALIA guidelines for Australian VET libraries

Vocational education and training (VET) libraries provide essential support for educators and students. They provide print materials and electronic resources; individual and group study spaces; computers and fast internet connection; information and digital literacy support, and expert assistance from qualified library and information professionals. VET libraries make a significant contribution to learning outcomes and to the employability of students.
These guidelines were developed by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) in 2015, and updated in 2019, with the assistance of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Libraries Advisory Committee. 

Guidelines for Australian health libraries 4th edition

The challenge, particularly with a prescriptive document such as this, is to produce guidelines which are broad enough to encompass all health libraries but which detail an acceptable and achievable level of practice across those same libraries. To this end the Guidelines need to be flexible, adaptable and applicable irrespective of the size and makeup of any individual library service. It is hoped the fourth edition of the Guidelines for Australian Health Libraries achieves this desired outcome. 
These Guidelines have been superseded by Guidelines for Australian health libraries, 5th edition 2022.

ALIA fact sheet

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has been proudly representing the Australian library and information sector as the peak body for professionals, staff, institutions, vendors, educators and other stakeholders since 1937. 

Librarians don't read on the job

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
In this conference presentation, Michael and Holger investigated the way in which people’s expectations of becoming a librarian match their lived experiences. Is a day working as a librarian full of reading books, constructing Dewey numbers and avoiding eye contact with people? Or is it a dynamic, rapidly changing vocation that calls upon highly developed communication skills and a strong connection to contemporary society?
Speaking from their own experiences and drawing on results of a survey from other librarians, Michael and Holger want to explore people’s perceptions of what a librarian is, and how this role will evolve into the future.

The British Library in a globalised world

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
During this conference presentation, Roly Keating considers the role of the British Library as a national library on the international stage. 
He reflects on the changing nature of the Library’s services as it adapts to the evolving needs of its users, both at home and abroad.  A number of innovative partnerships have been developed, particularly to enable parts of the Library’s collection to be shared online, drawing in new audiences. 

Maker space @ the edge

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger 
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper and will provide an overview of The Edge as a maker space within the State Library of Queensland, and how maker spaces can support innovation in tough times.
The Edge, established at The State Library of Queensland in 2010, focuses on creation rather than collection, participation instead of preservation and collaboration over curation.

Analytics: a constant stream of possibilities

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation provides an insight into multiple projects running within Deakin University Library to consolidate the data across major Library services, in a cost effective and sustainable way. The overarching strategy is to develop a comprehensive dataset supporting business decisions, and in so doing allow the Library to optimise operations and services for the benefit of our clients.

To effectively communicate these benefits, the Library recognises the need to tell qualitative stories using quantitative data.

Mentoring from day one (and before)

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
In this conference paper, participants will consider the induction process from the new staff member’s point of view.  They will attempt to reframe standardised, organisation-centred inductions in order to create experiences from which the staff member and the organisation both benefit.  They will explore how organisations can better identify the skills and expertise that new staff bring, how this knowledge can be shared and how staff can be mentored meaningfully.  

Mobile apps @ the library

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger

This conference paper presents the extraordinary collections of National, State and Territory libraries across Australia and New Zealand are being made available in unprecedented ways to commemorate the First World War. The broad appeal, accessibility and sheer volume of this material has resulted in a level of community engagement unimaginable ten years ago.

The commemorations have presented an ideal opportunity for libraries to invest or experiment in new platforms to display collection content, gather community contributions, and extend their reach. Rather than presenting a showcase of WWI initiatives, this paper uses WWI programs as a lens through which to examine the shifting focus and priorities of NSLA libraries.

Research data: the key to the transformation of the next generation of academic libraries and librarians

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger

This conference presentation explores how to become a data librarian, opportunities for transformation, understanding how research data are resources for new teaching and learning models and a horizon scan of what research data are available. The Australian National Data Service (ANDS) has worked with over 90 Australian research institutions and their Librarians and data managers to bring together in excess of 100,000 Australian research data collection records.  CSIRO has partnered with ANDS in developing and publishing their research datasets.

Transcribing the past

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger

This conference paper discusses how European War Collecting Project initiatied in1918 the Principal Librarian of the Public Library of NSW evolved into the digitisation of this collection of diaries and correspondence which has been a major component of the Library’s Centenary of WWI program. A key tool in providing access to the digitised material has been the development of a web based transcription tool which will elevate the transcription process from a boutique in house activity using volunteers to a web based crowd sourcing model which can be adapted for a range of transcription projects.


VIZIE: collecting social media

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger

This conference presentation discusses how the State Library of New South Wales piloted collecting social media content for the heritage collection of life in NSW, as part of a scientific trial with the CSIRO.  The lessons learned provide valuable insights into collecting this type of digital material.

There and back: a story of how an idea grew beyond expectations

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
In 2013 the ANZ 23 Mobile Things programme took over the Southern Hemisphere as the professional development programme of choice.  Over 6 months, 770 people learnt how to use their mobile device to enhance their life, their libraries and their patrons’ ability to connect.  
This conference presentation goes through the process of how one tweet of an idea turned into a MOOC, what the successes were, what the challenges were, what worked and what didn’t.

Working together: the importance of collaboration between TAFE library and TAFE teachers

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation looks at how funding cuts to TAFE colleges have impacted on all areas of teaching and learning. College libraries have not escaped the axe, but nevertheless still provide important spaces and resources for teachers and students.
Like any library, TAFE college libraries need to continually assess the community they serve to remain relevant. They need to be innovative and resourceful in providing services and materials for their community.  This is where liaison and collaboration between teachers and library staff is of utmost importance, and these rolls are changing as well.
This presentation highlights some of the positives of working collaboratively together.

Archiving the 2013 Australian federal election

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation discusses how the National Library of Australia and its participant agencies built the largest collection of online Australian election material to date in 2013. The election was notable in a number of ways, the new platforms being used to disseminate a political message, the amount of material that was produced and how much of this we could and could not collect.
Candidates and political parties have also embraced the online world and used it increasingly used as a means of spreading their campaign message. This election Pandora collected more than it has in any previous election, but content was missed. This was for a variety of reasons, lack of permissions, technical limitations and constrained resources. But what was collected will form the basis upon which future researchers can look back at what drove the election campaign online. 
