Library employees

ALIA Library

Libraries and their Intersection with Indigenous Knowledges: Insight report

This report outlines insights gathered from the Dialogue Session: Libraries and their intersection with Indigenous knowledges held in Ocotber 2024. The Dialogue Session was organised by ALIA, CAUL, NSLA, and presented by Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research. The Dialogue Session provided an opportunity for members of the library and information sector to reflect on and discuss both the progress towards and priorities for Indigenous knowledges in the library sector in the near and mid-term future. 

Understanding Australian public library responses to the COVID-19 crisis

On 24th March 2020 the Prime Minister of Australia declared the immediate closure of libraries across the country as part of the national attempt to slow the rate of COVID-19 infections. This meant over 1,600 public library service points across the country in urban, regional and remote locations, were no longer able to offer services on their premises.

ASLA-ALIA recommended minimum information services staffing levels: Table 6 revised

Since the publication of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) Learning for the future: developing information services in schools (LFTF), 2nd edition in 1993, school leaders and teacher librarians have referred to Table 6: Recommended minimum information services centre staffing as a guideline for staffing levels in school libraries.

ALIA supplementary statement about casual work in the library and information sector in Australia

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has been conscious of the growing casualisation of the library and information workforce in recent years.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in 2020 illustrate the fact that casual staff become the most vulnerable of workers when library organisations are faced with shrinking budgets. Furthermore, those currently employed in library work face the brunt of increased workloads as casual staff are stood down.

Promoting your school library: target audience - library teams

This document assists in the promotion of the role of the school library and the teacher librarian to library teams.
It supports the short promotional film developed by ALIA Schools, 'Promoting your School Library', which gives an overview of the role that school libraries and teacher librarians can play by contributing to student success in learning in both primary and secondary school settings.
Five key stakeholders have been targeted as the audience for this film:

Indigenous matters: a report on the ALIA Leadership & Innovation Forums 2018-2019

In 2018, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) organised seven Leadership & Innovation Forums across Australia. These forums are a biennial event.
The theme in 2018 was ‘Meaningful and respectful engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, culture and heritage – what more do we need to do?’ This aligned with the Presidential theme of Indigenous matters and complemented ALIA’s 2019 Truth, Integrity, Knowledge campaign.


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