Technical college libraries

ALIA Library

Mapping of TAFE Libraries: Updated 2023

The VET Libraries Advisory Committee advises the ALIA Board of Directors on the development of a strategic program for members working in vocational libraries or with interests in vocational librarianship. 
The document records institutions, contacts and participation in the National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme among vocational libraries. 
This document replaces: "Mapping of TAFE Libraries: Updated 2021" 

Mapping of TAFE Libraries: Updated 2021

The VET Libraries Advisory Committee advises the ALIA Board of Directors on the development of a strategic program for members working in vocational libraries or with interests in vocational librarianship. 
The document records institutions, contacts and participation in the National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme among vocational libraries.
This document is superceded by: "Mapping of TAFE Libraries: Updated 2023"

TAFE Libraries National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme

The TAFE Libraries National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme is managed by the ALIA VET Libraries Advisory Committee. It allows students and staff of participating TAFE libraries to register and borrow materials in person from any other participating host TAFE library in any other state, in addition to their own library. The scheme is designed to assist students and staff who may be enrolled with or employed by a TAFE institution in one state but who find it more convenient to access TAFE library services in another state.

ALIA TAFE library survey 2016

There are 246 TAFE libraries in Australia, supporting VET students in every State and Territory. At the beginning of 2016, ALIA's Vocational Education and Training Libraries Advisory Committee (VLAC) sought feedback about how changes in structure and funding have affected TAFE libraries and the library and information professionals who run them.
TAFE libraries were asked to complete an online questionnaire with 32 questions relating to changes in collection format, staffing, funding, space and the size of population served. The survey ran from 1 to 25 February 2016.

TAFE libraries at a glance

In recent times, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has relied on the NSW Crown Employees Award as the starting point for our salary scales, but we were concerned that these pay levels may not be reflective of the reality of the workplace. To test this, we embarked on a survey of people working in the sector. As a result, we have been able to produce the "ALIA LIS pay and employment snapshot 2020", which provides an understanding of real world pay and terms of employment across Australia at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020.

ALIA TAFE library survey 2019

There are 246 TAFE libraries in Australia, supporting VET students in every State and Territory. At the beginning of 2019, ALIA's Vocational Education and Training Libraries Advisory Committee (VLAC), chaired by Brenda Burr, sought feedback about how changes in structure and funding have affected TAFE libraries and the library and information professionals who run them.

Submission in response to the Australian House of Representatives Inquiry into the role of Technical and Further Education system and its operation

ALIA responded to the Inquiry into the role of Technical and Further Education system and its operation, with the aim of: (1) encouraging acknowledgement of the important role of Australian TAFE libraries in supporting VET students, and (2) explaining the importance of a VET entry point for library and information professionals. 


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