Collection management (Libraries)

ALIA Library

Impact and management of mis/disinformation in university libraries in Australia

This snapshot report outlines key findings and recommendations from a research project conducted on the impact and management of mis/disinformation in university libraries in Australia. The full results, literature review, research approach and methods can be found in an article ‘The Impact and Management of Mis/Disinformation at University Libraries in Australia’ in the Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association

Guidelines on dispersal of collections in government agency libraries

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) recognises that government agency libraries frequently hold collections of long-term significance for Australian heritage and research. These guidelines are intended for all Commonwealth, state and territory government agencies, as a guide to what to do in situations where agency libraries plan to dispose of material. The guidelines provide for the orderly disposal of library collections when the parent organisation has decided not to retain them.

Statement on preservation: the permanence and durability of information products

Libraries and information services have a fundamental concern in the preservation of information contained in the published and documentary record in order to ensure enduring access. The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is committed to the preservation of the published and documentary record in all formats, and to providing enduring access to information.

An enterprise approach to research outputs collection, management and reporting at the University of South Australia: collaborating to innovate [slides]

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
[Peer reviewed] This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which discusses a project by the University of South Australia to develop a system to manage research ouputs.

An enterprise approach to research outputs collection, management and reporting at the University of South Australia: collaborating to innovate

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
[Peer reviewed] This conference paper discusses a project by the University of South Australia to develop a system to manage research ouputs.

A new mandate for the digital age: implementing electronic legal deposit at the National Library of Australia [slides]

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which discusses the implementation of electronic legal deposit at the National Library of Australia.

A new mandate for the digital age: implementing electronic legal deposit at the National Library of Australia

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
This conference paper discusses the implementation of electronic legal deposit at the National Library of Australia.
Abstract: In February 2016 the legal deposit provisions in Australia’s Copyright Act were expanded to include digital publications and the public .au web domain. The result of twenty years of advocacy, the new provisions marks a dramatic shift in how Australia collects, preserves and makes accessible the full online publishing landscape.


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