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The Australian Government Web Archive

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation explains how the National Library launched the Australian Government Web Archive, an online service allowing a search of Commonwealth government websites dating back to 2011. Allowing users to compare versions of the same website over time, to find material long-removed from the current web, and to explore the changing space of government, the AGWA is a proof-of-concept service for the Library. Alison Dellit, Director of Australian Collections Management, discusses the background to developing the service, show off some of the service’s new features, and discuss where to in the future for the National Library’s web archiving activities. 

Connecting Australian sports people to a world of ideas, experiences and knowledge

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation discusses how the Clearinghouse has been developed by partners including sports libraries, State departments of sport and recreation, State institutes and academies of sport, National sporting organisations and peak sporting bodies. The purpose is to collect and disseminate audience-appropriate information relevant to the Australian sport sector. Clients include sport practitioners (i.e., coaches, physical educators, scientists, administrators, volunteers, officials and athletes), Australian governments and the wider community. It provides current awareness alerts and services, video and document archives, access to databases, information searches and document delivery, the Catalogue of Australian Sport Sector Library Collections and sector-specific information portfolios.

Clearinghouse for sport: collaboration and the changing landscape of sport information

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger

This conference paper discusses how the Clearinghouse has been developed by partners including sports libraries, State departments of sport and recreation, State institutes and academies of sport, National sporting organisations and peak sporting bodies. The purpose is to collect and disseminate audience-appropriate information relevant to the Australian sport sector. Clients include sport practitioners (i.e., coaches, physical educators, scientists, administrators, volunteers, officials and athletes), Australian governments and the wider community. It provides current awareness alerts and services, video and document archives, access to databases, information searches and document delivery, the Catalogue of Australian Sport Sector Library Collections and sector-specific information portfolios.

Targeting, tailoring. timing: how the smaller regional Victorian TAFEs are changing to meet the need of HE students studying in their regions

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation explains how the Dual Sector Partnership (DSP) Project was set up to deliver HE programs to regional students through their own local TAFE Institutes. The model of blended delivery allowed the students to study online but keep a  local connection with lecturers and support staff based at their home institutes. Many students articulated into the degree programs from TAFE diplomas.
For the smaller regional TAFEs having to provide Information Literacy to HE students is a new thing, but not only are they HE, this cohort is mature age, not based on campus and come into the program with significant gaps in their academic literacies and technological skills. As a result each TAFE Institute library has responded locally in customising their delivery to suit the DSP cohort.

Targeting, tailoring, timing: how the smaller regional Victorian TAFE's are changing to meet the needs of HE students studying in their regions together

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference papeer explains how the Dual Sector Partnership (DSP) Project was set up to deliver HE programs to regional students through their own local TAFE Institutes. The model of blended delivery allowed the students to study online but keep a  local connection with lecturers and support staff based at their home institutes. Many students articulated into the degree programs from TAFE diplomas.
For the smaller regional TAFEs having to provide Information Literacy to HE students is a new thing, but not only are they HE, this cohort is mature age, not based on campus and come into the program with significant gaps in their academic literacies and technological skills. As a result each TAFE Institute library has responded locally in customising their delivery to suit the DSP cohort.

Newsletter, No.1 (February 1982)

Contents: National Committee: Brenda Heagney, John Holgate, Sue Brockway, Frances Aitken, George Franki, Douglas Hunt, Shirley McGlynn;  membership; sectional groups: New South Wales inaugual meeting planning; Victorian group council: Joan Martin, Judith Quilter, Sue Hill, Anne McLean, Sandra Russell; Western Australian group office bearers: Ann Gillett, Eff Horner. Denis Kelly; committee members: June Rider-Jones, Gillian Smith, Maureen Nilson; South Australian group: Julie Hooke, Mary Jones, Elizabeth Gatehouse; activities for 1982.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.2 (July 1983)

Contents: National Committee; Australian Medical Libraries' 5th Biennial Conference steering committee: Ingrid Sims, Cheryl Hamill, Ethel Horner, Barabara Proud, Sue Bolton, Anne Le Fevre; sectional groups office bearers: New South Wales: John Holgate, Frances Aitken, Shirley McGlynn; South Australia: Elizabeth Gatehouse, Pamela Griffiths, Barbara Miskelly; Victoria: Susan Liepa, Aina Zalitis, Judith Quilter; Western Australia: Ethel Horner, Rita Higham, Denis Kelly.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.3 (November 1984)

Contents: Meetings, conference programme outline for 6th Biennial Conference 25th-29th August 1985; IFLA world list of biological and medical science libraries; news from State meetings; National Executive office bearers: Joan Martin, Sandra Russell, Barbara Jacoby; committee members: Anne Parkhowell, Jo Marshall, Mary McGill, Aina Zalitis.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.4 (July 1985)

National Executive Committee office bearers: Joan Martin, Sandra Russell, Barbara Jacoby; committee members: Enid Meldrum, Anne Parkhowell, Jo Marshall, Mary McGill, Aina Zalitis; conference news; standards for hospital libraries; corporate plan and review.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.5 (December 1985)

Contents: Election of the National Executive Committee 1986, South Australia, office bearers: Jan Heath, Elisabeth Gatehouse, Lindsay Harris, Barbara Miskelly, Stephen Cramond, Julie Freund, Nerida Wilkinson, Jan Stokes, Chris O'Loughlin; conferences: report of the 6th Biennial Australian Medical Librarians' Conference 25th-29th August 1985; 5th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, Tokyo, 30th September- 4th October 1985; transfer of basic nursing education from hospitals to Colleges of Advanced Education; news from the president; hospital standards committee; membership; 1986 Biennial Conference.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


Newsletter No.6 (May 1986)

Contents: National Executive Committee office bearers: Jan Heath, Lindsay Harris, Barbara Miskelly, Stephen Cramond, Chris O'Loughlin, committe members: Elisabeth Gatehouse, Julie Freund, Jan Stokes; 7th biennial Australian Medical Librarian's Conference 13th-17th September 1987; 1986 LAA Biennial Conference, Darwin; hospital standards; Anne Harrison fund; Awards: LAA Letter of Recognition to Elisabeth Gatehouse; news on union lists; South Australian Central Medical Library; course in medical librarianship; transfer of nursing education.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.8 (March 1987)

Contents: Greetings from the National Executive, includes photograph of Stephen Cramond, Julie Freund, Lindsay Harris, Jan Heath, Chris O'Loughlin, Barbara Miskelly, Elisabeth Gatehouse; 7th Australian Biennial Medical Librarians' Conference, 13th-17th September, Adelaide including programme highlights - Fiona Mackay Picken, Dr Julie Virgo, Dr Norman Swan, Margaret Gibson-Smith, Bert Pribac, Roberta Atwell, Peter Saunders; conference steering committee photograph - Jan Heath, Nerida Wilkinson, Margie Russon, Robyn Painter, Barbara Miskelly, Elisabeth Gatehouse, Julie Hooke; Anne Harrison award applications; HEAPS (Health Education and Promotion Information System); Healthnet; hospital library standards.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.9 (November 1987)

Contents: 7th Biennial Medical Librarians' Conference report; GRATIS/GRATISQ/GRATISSA meeting; 1987 AGM; photographs from the conference; Anne Harrison award 1987; National Minimum Standards for Hospital Libraries; vote for name change to Health Libraries Section.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.17 (August 1990)

Contents: National Executive officer bearers: Linda Mulheron, Ian Stubbin, Kay Vincent, executive: Marion Steele, Virginia Staggs, Katherine Keily, Patricia Aguado; library training material 1990; Australian Council of Healthcare Standards (ACHS) letter responding to comments on the ACHS Library Service Field Review Draft.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.19 (December/January 1990/91)

Contents: National Executive office bearers: Linda Mulheron, Ian Stubbin, Kay Vincent, committee members: Patricia Aguado, Katherine Keily, Rolf Schafer, Virginia Staggs, Marion Steele; International Congress on Medical Librarianship; conference update; Anne Harrison award progress report; Dewey Decimal Classification; HOSPLAN; ALIA House opening.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.20 (March 1991)

Contents: National Executive office bearers: Linda Mulheron, Ian Stubbin, Kay Vincent, committee members: Patricia Aguado, Katherine Keily, Rolf Schafer, Virginia Staggs, Marion Steele; Anne Harrison award; Australian Medline network; The Australian Council of Allied Professions; goals and objectives for 1991; news from the conference.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.21 (July 1991)

Contents: Conference progress report; National Minimum Standards for Hospital Libraries, members of the subcommittee: Trish Aguado, Don Keast, Judith Weaver, Fay Heikkila, Ruth Murray, Paul Davis; HOSPLAN; future conferences and national executives for health.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Health Libraries' Section National Newsletter No.24 (December 1992)

Contents: National Executive : Brigitte Glockner, Elizabeth Hides, Caroline Dowling, Anne Batt, Gaye Sweeney, Susan Lutley, Cheryl Hamill; The Australian Society of the History of Medicine; news from the fledgling ACT HLS section; HHCS Thesaurus 2nd. ed.; sensitive reference issues; casemix funding; archival storage of HLS Newsletters; Anne Harrison award.

Original document housed in ALIA House, Canberra.

Health Libraries' Section National Newsletter No.26 (July 1993)

Contents: Conference report - Medical Library Association 93rd Annual Meeting, May 14-20 1993, Chicago, Illinois by Rolf Schafer; hospital library standards; Vale Sian Jane Hayes; NLM update; Medline replaced by the Australasian Medical Index; The Human Services Thesaurus 2nd. ed.; Anne Harrison award; conference/national executive rotation; Australian Council of Allied Health Professionals.
Orginal document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

National Newsletter (August 1995)

Contents: The librarian as an entrepreneur by Andrew Rook and Adam Clark;  Copyright: publishers should give libraries a break by Julie Hooke; conference update; report on ACLIS National Interlending and Document Delivery summit by Anne Fricker; Copying in hospital libraries under threat - update by Graeme Spooner; HLS National Executive: Ian Stubbin, Virginia Staggs, Toni Silson, Grahame Manns.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

National Newsletter (July 1994)

Contents: Getting serious about serials; President's column - electronic mail; National Executive: Ian Stubbin, Virginia Staggs, Toni Silson, Grahame Manns;  National Minimum Standards for Hospital Libraries second edition update; Understanding what subscription agents can - and can't - do for you by Grahame Manns; Periodical price projections for 1995; Serials management with Inmagic Plus; Library of Holistic Health opening; Outsourcing for hospital libraries by Roslyn Jackson.

Original document in ALIA House, Canberra.
