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ALIA Library

Special resolutions explanatory statement, ALIA 29th Annual General Meeting 17 May 2017

Explanatory statement for special resolutions considered at the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) 29th Annual General Meeting held on 17 May 2017 at ALIA House, Canberra.
The ALIA Board proposed adding the term 'environment' to the first object of the Constitution and the inclusion of an additional object to endorse the principles of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Article 19 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in response to the many challenges faced by the world today and into the future.

Submission in response to the Australian Government review of Australian classification regulation, February 2020

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and our library members welcome the opportunity, through the review of Australian classification regulation, to address a problem which has been an issue for libraries for a number of years, and which has now reached a critical point. 
Our specific interest is in ‘Part 2: Modernising classification legislation, item 6’, and the question: ‘Consistent with the current broadcasting model, could all classifiable content be classified by industry, either using Government-approved classification tools or trained staff classifiers, with oversight by a single Government regulator?’ Related to this is our response to part 8 and the question: ‘Is the current co-operative scheme between the Australian Government and the states and territories fit for purpose in a modern content environment?’
We look forward to further involvement as the consultation moves into the next phase and we hope we can achieve legislative change which will benefit communities with diverse populations across Australia.


Submission in response to the revision of the Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023, February 2020

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is supportive of the proposed implementation plan’s structure, vision, foundations and focus areas. In summary:

  • We applaud that cultural and social determinants are the foundations for the plan’s structure.
  • We fully support the flexible structure of the implementation plan, in particular that it allows for local response and input, which mirrors our own experience in shaping library services.
  • We note that the plan also accounts for the total life course of an individual, and that it recognises the importance of early intervention on life outcomes.
  • We are particularly supportive of the recognition of the interconnectedness of the focus areas and acknowledge the challenges that this will bring. We stand ready to contribute to the area of cross-sector partnerships.


Special libraries: digital INCITE supplement - May/June 2019

INCITE: The magazine for library and information professionals - May/June 2019 Volume 40 Issue 5/6 (supplement)
Special libraries add value to their organisations in ways that are sometimes hard to quantify. While the invaluable work that library and information professionals do to aid research, store information, make knowledge accessible, and create sense from the mess is far too often overlooked. This work is done on a daily basis by special library staff to aid health professionals to make informed diagnoses, help researchers identify connections in their data sets, ensure governments have the information to make evidence-based decisions and so much more. Special libraries and those who work in them make a priceless contribution to their workplaces and deliver tangible results that should not be ignored.

Serving users in Central Australia

Article by Desert Peoples Centre Campus Library staff, from INCITE March/April 2019 Volume 40 Issue 3/4 - Indigenous Matters.
Desert Peoples Centre Campus Library staff, from the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education in Central Australia, provide a range of services to Indigenous Australian people every day. Each team member came to the job via a unique path. In this article they share the story of their growth as library service providers.

Special libraries directory 2020, 2nd edition

ALIA’s Special Libraries Working Group has put together this directory of special libraries to support collaboration. This directory is an update of the 2019 edition, and is not a comprehensive listing, but it does identify like-minded individuals working in similar situations. The aim is to enable people to share non-competitive information, insight, expertise, ideas and resources; to improve the sense of connectedness in a sector with many one-person libraries, and to strengthen special libraries’ advocacy network.

Submission in response to the Productivity Commission Data Availability and Use issues paper

We welcome this opportunity to respond to the Productivity Commission Data Availability and Use Issues Paper. Library and information professionals work with data every day: we capture data; we help store data and make it accessible; we help make data discoverable; we help others find the data they need; we contribute to data policy discussions.
While we are aware of the potential risks to individuals’ privacy, mitigation strategies exist and we are also aware of the benefits of releasing data into the world. On a grand scale, the work of library and information professionals in making data more accessible and discoverable supports a stronger evidence-based approach to policy development in government and greater innovation through humanities and science research initiatives. At a less macro level, making data available through libraries can support small businesses and entrepreneurs with new product development and it can help individuals with their own projects. Family historians, for examples, are dedicated users of digitised newspapers and local history collections.
ALIA's response to the Productivity Commission Data Availability and Use Issues Paper (April 2016) includes eight recommendations.

Services for migrants and refugees

When people arrive in Australia, whether through choice or for reasons of hardship, as migrants, international students, refugees or humanitarian entrants, they seek to make a place for themselves and their families in their new communities. They have to set up home, find employment, become familiar with cultural norms that are second nature to Australians but alien to new arrivals, and often their first language is not English.
For library users, coming from a country where there is a good public library network, the local library is an obvious place to find essential information, sign up for English language conversation classes, use the public computers, engage with other children and families at storytime. Joining the library is part of the settling in process. For others, coming from countries where there may not be a library network, libraries are an unknown quantity and it can be hard to build up the courage to step over the threshold.
Australian libraries recognise the needs and the barriers for migrants and refugees and are working to fulfil the first and break down the latter. This report shares just a few examples of the library projects to be found in different states and territories.

Supporting prison libraries: the 2015 ALIA Minimum Standard Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead.
[Peer reviewed] Prison libraries play a pivotal role in serving the educational, recreational and other information needs of prison inmates.  This conference paper discusses the updating of the Mimimum Standard Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners.  
In 2015 the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) established a working group to review and update the Minimum Standard Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners, first published in 1990.  The guidelines are designed to assist with the planning of new prison libraries as well as in the evaluation and development of existing services. They are based in part on the third edition of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners (Lehmann & Locke, 2005).  This paper describes the activities of the Working Group and the challenges they faced. It examines how Corrective Services New South Wales has responded to the publication of the Guidelines. Other activities relating to prison libraries that are underway or proposed are discussed and opportunities for further research are suggested.

Supporting prison libraries: the 2015 ALIA Minimum Standard Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead.
Prison libraries play a pivotal role in serving the educational, recreational and other information needs of prison inmates.  This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which discusses the updating of the Mimimum Standard Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners.  
In 2015 the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) established a working group to review and update the Minimum Standard Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners, first published in 1990.  The guidelines are designed to assist with the planning of new prison libraries as well as in the evaluation and development of existing services. They are based in part on the third edition of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Guidelines for Library Services to Prisoners (Lehmann & Locke, 2005).  This paper describes the activities of the Working Group and the challenges they faced. It examines how Corrective Services New South Wales has responded to the publication of the Guidelines. Other activities relating to prison libraries that are underway or proposed are discussed and opportunities for further research are suggested.

Special libraries directory 2021, 4th edition

ALIA’s Special Libraries Working Group has put together this directory of special libraries to support collaboration. This directory is an update of the 3rd edition published in 2020. It is not a comprehensive listing, but does identify like-minded individuals working in similar situations. The aim is to enable people to share non-competitive information, insight, expertise, ideas and resources; to improve the sense of connectedness in a sector with many one-person libraries, and to strengthen special libraries’ advocacy network.

Submission in response to the Australian Government Senate Inquiry into COVID-19, May 2020

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA), and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) presents how libraries across the sector have supported their communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The submission also discusses the issues encountered and provides the following recommendations to the Senate Committee:

  • Ensure clarity of messaging for all libraries
  • Invest in public libraries as a partner in the digital transformation of federal government services
  • Improve access to ebooks and other electronic resources
  • Explore the role of libraries in supporting the federal government's JobMaker scheme

Share it: resource sharing futures 2018 conference - summary of outcomes

Share it: Resource Sharing Futures Conference, 10-11 May 2018 Canberra
In collaboration with ALIA, Libraries Australia held Share it, a two-day resource sharing futures event. The aim of Share it was to discuss the current Australian resource sharing landscape and issues around the complex world of modern resource sharing. A further aim was to determine whether there is still a need for a national resource sharing service and, if so, to develop a resource sharing road map and action plan for Australia.
This document provides a summary of outcomes from the strategic workshop on day 2 of the conference. This invitation only workshop was attended by leaders, thinkers and experts in the Australian resource sharing arena, and provided an opportunity to elevate their thinking around the future of resource sharing.


Shandong and South Australia: the power of connection [poster]

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference poster presentation accompanied the talk on a partnership between the State Library of South Australia (SLSA) and the Shandong Provincial Library in China.

With China being South Australia’s highest export partner, the Government of South Australia has been effectively engaging with China through a long-term partnership with Shandong Province, which celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2016. The Government’s vision is ‘to strengthen the State’s partnership with China and enhance and deepen our long-term engagement in areas encompassing investment, trade and business, education, sport, culture, the arts, sciences, and the exchange of people, skills and ideas’.
After hosting two librarians from the Shandong Provincial Library in 2016, the State Library of South Australia (SLSA) further strengthened the relationship and networks with is sister-state province of Shandong, by sending Andrew Piper, Group Manager, Collections and Sharon Morris, Community Learning Educator to Jinan, in April-May 2017. Areas of discussion included the partnering in an exhibition of materials from the Provincial Library’s Ancient Books department scheduled for September 2018 and a return exhibition of SLSA materials; approaches to online engagement with collections and education programs.
A large part of the program developed for the SLSA visitors was the introduction to the culture of the people of Shandong along with visits to significant sites discussions, lectures and library tours.


Special libraries directory 2021, 5th edition

ALIA’s Special Libraries Working Group has put together this directory of special libraries to support collaboration. The directory is not a comprehensive listing, but it does identify like-minded individuals working in similar situations. The aim is to enable people to share non-competitive information, insight, expertise, ideas and resources; to improve the sense of connectedness in a sector with many one-person libraries, and to strengthen special libraries’ advocacy network. 
This directory is an update of the 4th edition published in early 2021.

Reinventing support for medical students: LibGuides as a pedagogical tool

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference paper discusses the challenge in ensuring students have access to library based learning resources at their point of need; whilst also having skills and background to be able to correctly use the resources.
ANU Library is one Library made up of five specialised branches, including the Hancock Library. Senior Information Staff from the Hancock Library, that are subject contacts for medical sciences, have traditionally offered hands on information literacy sessions on medical resources to ANU medical students. This has been complemented by a standard LibGuide. With multiple teaching locations throughout the ACT, south-east NSW and Northern Territory, there is a significant challenge in ensuring students have access to library based learning resources at their point of need; whilst also having skills and background to be able to correctly use the resources. Hancock Library staff undertook a systematic approach to completely reinvent Medicine LibGuide, to develop a pedagogically sound LibGuide for the needs of medical students.


Re imagining libraries

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation explores how the role of libraries have long been custodians of ‘more than just books’.  For NSLA libraries, the personal stories collected in our diaries, correspondence, photographs, artworks and realia are some of our most precious items.  The rapid increase in digitally-created material has posed many problems, but also offered many opportunities, for libraries. 
The traditional linear structure of item-donor-library is now a more complex structure, where everyone is a potential creator and curator.  In recent years, libraries have been grappling to find the best and most efficient way of acquiring and preserving these new materials, from these new creators.  Serena Coates will give a summary of the recent efforts by NSLA (National and State Libraries Australasia) to address the issues associated with digital collecting, and Sarah Slade will provide a summary of the efforts of NSLA’s Digital Preservation Project.

Re-engineering our role: A case study of a corporate library at the cutting edge

ALIA Information Online 2015 Conference, 2-5 February 2015, Sydney: at the edge.
Corporate librarians need to be relevant to the needs of the business in which they operate. In tough times, the corporate library is often the first to go, but how did this geographically disparate team get ahead of the game and become central to plans of the organisation? This paper will explore the journey that this team undertook, to be an integral part of the business, as well as developing their professional skills at the same time.
The paper will explore the methods undertaken to develop a cutting edge regional corporate library team and to develop highly skilled professionals, beyond what their training gave them. This will include providing an overview of the diverse business and the culture of the company. The paper will form a case study and focus on practical examples, including exposure and visibility as a form of marketing, business development research and current awareness, the design and delivery of a comprehensive regional training program, blurring of roles and moving into the corporate knowledge space and engagement with research as a means of innovation. It will also include how activity based working was trialled – to embed the team within the business, as well as having an input into the re-design of the physical space.
Diversification, investment from the leadership and a consultancy approach put the team on the road to success. This paper will look at the future of the information professional and library service in the corporate sector, as well as the new skills and approaches that every corporate librarian should consider to ensure relevancy and ultimately survival.

Research Data Management support: sharing our experiences

ALIA National 2016 Conference 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which explores the place of Research Data Management (RDM) support services as an extension of the academic librarian's role. The presenters anticipate that RDM support will become increasingly important in an ever-more data-driven research environment, and share the experiences of three South Australian university libraries in providing RDM, including the skillsets developed and lessons learned. 

Reading Hour Report 2016

The Reading Hour is one of the most celebrated annual reading initiatives in Australia, and supports individuals, families and communities to discover and rediscover the joy of reading. The Reading Hour emerged from the National Year of Reading 2012, and is an ongoing campaign from Love2Read, funded by the ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance and in partnership with the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.

Reading Hour Report 2015

The Reading Hour is one of the most celebrated annual reading initiatives in Australia, and supports individuals, families and communities to discover and rediscover the joy of reading. The Reading Hour emerged from the National Year of Reading 2012, and is an ongoing campaign from Love2Read, funded by the ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance and in partnership with the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund.
