Interlibrary loans

ALIA Library

TAFE Libraries National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme

The TAFE Libraries National Reciprocal Borrowing Scheme is managed by the ALIA VET Libraries Advisory Committee. It allows students and staff of participating TAFE libraries to register and borrow materials in person from any other participating host TAFE library in any other state, in addition to their own library. The scheme is designed to assist students and staff who may be enrolled with or employed by a TAFE institution in one state but who find it more convenient to access TAFE library services in another state.

Share it: resource sharing futures 2018 conference - summary of outcomes

Share it: Resource Sharing Futures Conference, 10-11 May 2018 Canberra
In collaboration with ALIA, Libraries Australia held Share it, a two-day resource sharing futures event. The aim of Share it was to discuss the current Australian resource sharing landscape and issues around the complex world of modern resource sharing. A further aim was to determine whether there is still a need for a national resource sharing service and, if so, to develop a resource sharing road map and action plan for Australia.

Share it: resource sharing futures 2018 conference program

Share it: Resource Sharing Futures Conference, 10-11 May 2018 Canberra
In collaboration with ALIA, Libraries Australia held Share it, a two-day resource sharing futures event. The aim of Share it was to discuss the current Australian resource sharing landscape and issues around the complex world of modern resource sharing. A further aim was to determine whether there is still a need for a national resource sharing service and, if so, to develop a resource sharing road map and action plan for Australia.


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