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ALIA Library

ALIA Board climate change statement

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Board accepts that climate change is a dangerous reality and that its effects pose an increasing threat to libraries and the communities they serve. 
The statement outlines actions being taken by ALIA to respond to climate change by supporting its members, reducing the association's own environmental footprint and being and active participant in collective efforts to improve the outlook for the planet.

Submission in response to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Regional Telecommunications Review

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) respond to the Regional Telecommunications Review issues paper drafted by the Australian Federal Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.

Efficient and Effective Special Libraries

Paper produced by the ALIA Special Libraries Working Group and AGLIN Think Tank on July 2021 as information resource for ALIA Members and selected stakeholders.
From small libraries run by one or two qualified librarians through to sizeable library and information services employing a team of professionals, special libraries are constantly evolving to meet the changing needs of their users. Special libraries have readily introduced new technologies and new ways of working to deliver greater efficiency and effectiveness.

ALIA Strategic Plan 2021-2024

The ALIA Board met on 10 August 2021 to develop the next iteration of the ALIA Strategic Plan 2020-2024, with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as its planning framework. At this time, and for the next four  years, the ALIA Board foresees the need for a four-fold approach:

ALIA Honours Board individual profiles: N-Z

Over the last 80-plus years, there have been many people who have helped shape the Association and the library and information science profession in Australia – award recipients, past Presidents, Honorary Members and Fellows. In this document, you will find their inspirational stories of leadership, innovation and achievement.
This document includes individual biographical information about Honours Board recognition recipients with surnames beginning N-Z.

ALIA Honours Board individual profiles: G-M

Over the last 80-plus years, there have been many people who have helped shape the Association and the library and information science profession in Australia – award recipients, past Presidents, Honorary Members and Fellows. In this document, you will find their inspirational stories of leadership, innovation and achievement.
This document includes individual biographical information about Honours Board recognition recipients with surnames beginning G-M.


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