ALIA By-Law 1 amended August 2024
By-Law 1 of the Australian Library and Information Association as amended to August 2024, with amendments in mark up, followed by the clean updated copy.
By-Law 1 of the Australian Library and Information Association as amended to August 2024, with amendments in mark up, followed by the clean updated copy.
By-Laws of the Australian Library and Information Association as amended to August 2024.
This is the Professional Pathways Consultation booklet used in the face-to-face workshops that took place from late July to November 2022 across all Australian states and territories.
Workshops were facilitated by Dr Gill Hallam.
This is the Professional Pathways Consultation paper for the second phase of consultation that took place from May to July 2023.
The second phase of consultation was conducted online and submissions invited from all sectors, types of role, and ALIA membership category.
This meeting of the ALIA Professional Pathways Board was conducted over Zoom on 28 October 2021, and included discussion of a range of issues including:
Project progress
Technical Report
Investment in research
Apprenticeships and traineeships
The meeting was scheduled to be held following the close of Phase 1 of the consultation period which was designed to progress two of the recommendations made by the Advisory Committee following the Technical Report:
Recommendation 1: Develop a framework of knowledge, skills and ethical behaviour
Recommendation 3: Develop new professional pathways
The Advisory Board discussed the areas of general agreement and areas where more work needs to be done. The three main areas for further work are:
1. Framework structure and conceptual design
The first meeting of the ALIA Professional Pathways Board in 2023 was conducted over Zoom, and included discussion of a range of issues including:
Framework structure and conceptual design
The question of mandatory/optional CPD
Professional recognition and categorisation.
The Australian Library and Information Association's submission to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian society places a central focus on digital and media literacy skills and abilities of Australians to effectively understand and use social media applications. It addresses the issue of the disparity of skill levels across different demographic and regional groups and the role of libraries to help address these gaps and provide digital access and literacy support.
The submission makes the following recommendations:
ALIA Health Libraries Australia (HLA) made a submisison to the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) consultation on the draft Good Institutional Practice Guide to highlight and promote hospital librarians' contributions to research culture and research quality.
Public libraries play a vital role in local communities. They ensure that every Australian, no matter their economic means, is able to access information, assistance, education, community engagement and at a very basic level, a temperature controlled safe space.