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ALIA Library

ALIA Research Grant: Ethics application form

It is the responsibility of the researcher and ALIA to ensure that any research funded by the Association meets national ethical guidelines.
This form should be completed by ALIA research grant holders. 
This form has three sections:
SECTION 1: Form (to be completed by applicant)
SECTION 2: Ethical issues checklist for research involving humans (to be completed by applicant)
SECTION 3: To be completed by ALIA research ethics coordinator/reviewer

ALIA Research Grant Award: Quarterly report template

Research grants of up to $5000 are offered by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). The Research Grant Award is open to library practitioners and early career LIS researchers who are Members of ALIA. 
The purpose of the award is to enable the recipient to undertake a research program on a selected library or information issue of present and future relevance to the development and improvement of library and information services in Australia.

Research Grant Award: Application Part 2

Research grants of up to $5000 are offered by the Australian Library and Information Association. The Research Grant Award is open to library practitioners and early career LIS researchers who are Members of ALIA. 
The purpose of the award is to enable the recipient to undertake a research program on a selected library or information issue of present and future relevance to the development and improvement of library and information services in Australia.

Research Grant Award: Application Part 1

Research grants of up to $5000 are offered by the Australian Library and Information Association. The Research Grant Award is open to library practitioners and early career LIS researchers who are Members of ALIA. 
The purpose of the award is to enable the recipient to undertake a research program on a selected library or information issue of present and future relevance to the development and improvement of library and information services in Australia.

Research Grant Award

Research grants of up to $5000 are offered by the Australian Library and Information Association. The Research Grant Award is open to library practitioners and early career LIS researchers who are Members of ALIA. 
The purpose of the award is to enable the recipient to undertake a research program on a selected library or information issue of present and future relevance to the development and improvement of library and information services in Australia.
This document provides general information and answers common questions about the grant.

National Simultaneous Storytime: Temperatures and space

ALIA, along with the Australian Space Agency and The Office of the Chief Scientist, and with help from Science Time From Space, is very excited to be able to bring an additional science and educational component to National Simultaneous Storytime 2021 - a science demonstration conducted by astronauts on the International Space Station emulating the heat balances between the sun/Earth/space. 
Student questions about temperatures in outer space were answered by Bjarni Tryggvason, Former Astronaut, Research Engineer and Test Pilot.

Digital Health Literacy screen display template (vertical) [slides]

During the first phase of ALIA's digital health literacy training program, more than 2,700 public library staff have been trained to support patrons in navigating and understanding Federal Government digital health initiatives, such as My Health Record. 
This document (PowerPoint slides) provides instructions and templates to create a visual resource to help library staff run information sessions ALIA has created.

Digital Health Literacy screen display template (horizontal) [slides]

During the first phase of ALIA's digital health literacy training program, more than 2,700 public library staff have been trained to support patrons in navigating and understanding Federal Government digital health initiatives, such as My Health Record. 
This document (PowerPoint slides) provides instructions and templates to create a visual resource to help library staff run information sessions ALIA has created.


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