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ALIA Library

Newsletter (December 1972)

Contents: suggestions of topics for future meetings include structure of postgraduate specialists courses, regional organization of hospitals and plans for hospital libraries, establishing a new hospital library, services of an expert advisory committee; talk by Paul Hodgson on the Australian MEDLARS Service includes history of the establishment, future plans, capacity of the service, current awareness service, requirements for using MEDLARS over a manual search.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (March 1973)

Contents: suggestion to form an honorary advisory panel to help librarians to establish new medical libraries; potential for a scholarship for training in medical librarianship; talk by Fay Baker on her trip to the Philippines as Medical Library Consultant with the World Health Organization.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (July 1973)

Contents: report of unproductive meeting with Hospital and Charities Commission that, until we could prove there was a need for librarians in country hospitals, we could not expect much sympathy from the boards of management; more discussion about an advisory committee for country hospitals; loose-leaf format proposed for medical library directory; $2 subscription due.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (August 1973)

Contents: quotes for Medical Libraries' Directory; request to update draft list of recommended journals for small libraries; comments on the standards of medical journals; wages case of the Association of Hospital and Health Services Librarians; talk by L. Walsh on the regional organization of hospitals and hospital services in Victoria - commenced 1954, rearranged 1970, suggested ways for country library services.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (November 1973)

Contents: list of suggested books and journals for a small medical library almost completed; potential project to write a manual of medical libraries in small hospitals; Wimmera and Moe Hospitals each request library advice; Geelong Hospital to be linked with Monash University; hospital librarian wages now aligned with radiographers and physiotherapists; STISEC report comments and submission to AACOBS Committee; Val Strantzen and Marion Rock to be the next Co-convenors; talk by Anne Harrison on meeting of medical librarians in Perth; role of National Library in medicine; talk by Jacqueline Baillie on MEDLARS from the point of view of the user, increases in interlibrary loans, Current Awareness Service, prospects of charging, need for librarians to learn more about the mechanics of MEDLARS; talk by Anne Harrison on Special Libraries in the 1980s including the impending introduction of MEDLINE, possible increase in the use of paramedical professions.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (March 1974)

Contents: Co-convenors: Val Strantzen and Marion Rock; delay in printing the Medical Library Directory; list of journals recommended for the small medical library completed and available; book list proposed for next project; Consultative panel for small hospital libraries met at Austin: Anne Harrison, Jacqueline Baillie, Enid Meldrum, Marion Rock, Val Strantzen; guidelines prepared by Jacqueline Baillie are available "Notes on Plan of Instruction for Untrained Persons in Charge of Hospital Libraries"; submission to Commission of Enquiry into Hospital and Health Services in Victoria (by Anne Harrison, Secretary, Central Medical Library Organization, on behalf of the MLG) pointing out need for increased aid; talk by Fay Baker on her visit to Vietnam as Medical Library Consultant for the World Health Organization.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (May 1974)

Contents: MLG represented at the funeral of Verna Dunn, Librarian, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons; Medical Library Directory sheets - aim for efficient standardization of each Library's information; Book List Committee (Marion Rock, Enid Meldrum, Amy Bush, Val Strantzen) created a Basic List for members at the meeting to add, delete, correct, comment and return to the Committee; unanimous decision to establish a National Organization of Medical Librarians' Groups with Amy Bush representing Victoria; report of 2nd Medical Libraries Seminar, Wellington Hospital, New Zealand, on 22nd February 1974 includes using the term "health sciences" in preference to "medical" library services; talk by Amy Bush, Judith Quilter and Margaret Kerr on the "New directions in medical librarianship and biomedical communications" seminar in Canberra.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (August 1974)

Contents: appreciation by Verna Dunn's family; obituary notice by Judith Quilter for the Australian Library Journal; letters of regret about the downgrading of the RACS library position acknowledged; part-time librarian appointed; Directory sheets distributed and requested to be typed rather than handwritten and returned to Marion Rock; Medical Libraries in Australia - notes compiled for Leslie Symes - mostly the work of Jacqueline Baillie and with assistance from Amy Bush, Marion Rock and Val Strantzen; Victoria and NSW have elected representatives for the proposed National Council of Medical Librarians' Groups - asking other groups to nominate their representatives and to suggest ways of raising finance for a national organization;  Basic Book list distributed at meeting - suggest marking priority purchases with an asterisk; Judith Wolfe has set up a medical library at Launceston General Hospital and appreciated the usefulness of the basic book list; proposed LAA Conference workshop "The Librarian in the Changing World of Medicine" - Chair: Esther Martin, Committee: Fay Baker, Amy Bush and Thora Grey; tour of Lincoln Library.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (December 1974)

Contents: Medical Library Directory distributed at meeting; more planning for LAA Conference workshop; Consultative Panel for assisting with library services to smaller country hospitals; Jacqueline Baillie prepared a proposal for the regional organization of country hospital libraries in Victoria; Carmel Maguire and Eugenia Lovelace spoke on investigating medical information needs and usage (research grant from the National Library of Australia); tour of Monash Biomedical Library.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (February 1975)

Contents: request for a Directory co-ordinator; Consultative Panel visits to Mooroopna Base Hospital, Mount Eliza Geriatric Centre, La Trobe Valley Hospital, Western Regional Community Health Centre, Trade Union Clinic and Research Centre.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (May 1975)

Contents: Consultative Panel wrote to Hospital Accreditation Committee for Intern Training, Medical Board of Victoria to outline the help which the panel is ready to give to any small community or country hospital attempting to establish any sort of library service; Marjorie Pinder invited members to attend a dinner in Anne Harrison's honour to celebrate 21 years of the Central Medical Library Organization; suggestion that Darwin Hospital be given honorary membership of CMLO for one year (after the cyclone); agree to protest about compulsory airmail rates for some journals; call for nominations for  committee positions of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary rather than Co-Convenors; National Library of Australia creates ANSTEL - Australian National Scientific and Technological Library - MLG members have found it useful to obtain photocopies of articles not available elsewhere in Australia; upcoming LAA Conference would be an excellent opportunity for state representatives of the National MLG to meet; tour of Brownless Medical Library.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (July 1975)

Contents: successful CMLO dinner for Anne Harrison; Directory of Medical Libraries updates; Consultative Panel's 10 point statement included in a submission to the Hospitals and Charities Commission; election for convenors;  tour of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Library.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (December 1975)

Contents: Chairman Sandra Russell, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer Kerry Christensen, Secretary Heather McDonald; workshop at LAA Conference successful; appreciation for the excellent work of outgoing Co-Convenors Val Strantzen and Marion Rock; Amy Bush resigns as Victorian representive on the National MLG; appreciation for Jacqueline Baillie's contribution to medical librarianship and congratulations to Fay Baker as her successor at Monash Biomedical Library; National MLG inaugural meeting held August 1975; draft constitution discussed and amended; report on visit to Melbourne University by Dr Martin Cumming, Life Sciences Consultant, National Library of Australia.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (February 1976)

Contents: plans to hold a weekend audio-visual workshop; draft National Constitution; Sandra Russell nominated to represent Victoria on the National MLG; thank-you letter from Jacquelline Baillie for the dinner party and presentation; NSW Group has prepared standards for Australian hospital libraries; 38 financial members; from 1976 SSAL records will be produced on tape with no retrospective access; Special Libraries Section invites medical librarians to host a meeting during October Adelaide Conference; inaugural Australian Medical Librarians' Group Newsletter has been distributed; Hospital Library Standards Sub-Committee formed to discuss the NSW standards; Thora Grey, Ann McGalliard, Enid Meldrum and Elizabeth White to revise the book and journal lists; Library Directory to change to A4 paper; report on talk by Professor Perry Morrison, Department of Librarianship, University of Oregon, on current trends and education in medical librarianship within the United States.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (June 1976)

Contents: new members welcomed including Pat Nakouz; NSW Group has written to the specialty colleges for information about collection building for post-graduate students; Anne Harrison and Enid Meldrum report on  visit to Ballarat and District Hospital; Consultative Panel wrote to Hospitals and Charities Commission to seek clarification on role of the Panel; Kerry Christensen thanked (resigned - moving to Hong Kong); book list revision continuing; refer enquiries from Community Health Centres to Pat Nakouz; discussion on procedures and a proposal for a standard outline for library manuals.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (August 1976)

Contents: Central Medical Library Organization catalogue extended to cover audio-visual materials; Pat Nakouz appointed as Regional Medical Librarian; Consultative Panel met Pat and will continue to advise the Hospital and Charities Commmission; office-bearers must also be LAA members; report on audio-visual workshop; free online access to Medline to commence at University of Melbourne and Monash University; Western Australian MLG draft constitution; book list draft, still seeking journal title suggestions; library manual pro forma draft; Committee: Esther Martin, Chairman, Anne McLean, Vic-Chairman/Treasurer, Jean Foreman, Secretary; thanks to Consultative Panel (Fay Baker, Amy Bush, Anne Harrison, Enid Meldrum, Val Strantzen), Standards Sub-Committee (Amy Bush, Judith Quilter), Book/Journal list revisers (Thora Grey, Ann McGalliard, Enid Meldrum, Elizabeth White), Workshop Committee (Sue Harvey, Anne McGalliard, Bronwyn Pearl), Special Libraries Section representative (Anne Harrison); report from Fay Baker on World Health Organization consultancy in Korea.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (November 1976)

Contents: Mrs Drury thanked on her retirement as voluntary librarian at Ballarat Hospital; Elizabeth Ross appointed as Librarian, School of Nursing, Prince Henry's Hospital; circular advising the appointment of Pat Nakouz as Regional Medical Librarian sent to medical administrators of all hospitals by the Hospital and Charities Commission; letter from Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Race, suggested that Consultative Panel librarians' services were honorary and could not receive reimbursement of travelling expenses; protest letter to be sent; Seminar on Resource Sharing in Medical Libraries presented by Colin Freeman, Principal Librarian, Life Sciences, National Library of Australia - tapes available from Lincoln Institute; tragic death of Thora Grey, Lincoln Institute Librarian.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (February 1977)

Contents: New members welcomed including Norma Worswick, Ballarat Base Hospital, Berta Mansourian, Southern Memorial Hospital, Karen Roberts, Frankston Community Hospital; memorial tribute to Thora Grey; salary scales of medical librarians; thanks for Hospital Library Manual Pro-Forma; thanks for book list; draft journal list; list of medical librarians in Adelaide available; course for Untrained Medical Librarians approved by Hospitals and Charities Commission; role of Pat Nakouz expanded to Manager of Commission's Library; The Librarian in the Changing World of Medicine document deposited at the State Library of Victoria; Library Directory A4 with holes for ring binding; relationship of MLG with LAA - to discuss whether to remain separate or affiliate, The MLG was founded as a result of united common interests and a necessity to advance the needs of medical libraries. At the foundation there were too few professional members of the LAA to fill its requirements for affiliation as a section and so the MLG started independently with the approval of the LAA but without formal acknowledgement. The Law and Music Libraries were recruiting similarly. Members were asked to consider the future of the MLG - to continue as a separate and independent group, striving for a national framework, or, given that a large proportion of members are already professional members of the LAA, become affiliated? The LAA plans to introduce reduced rates for participation in seminars, conferences, etc to members. The LAA would provide a constitutional, administrative and regional framework - to be discussed further; Darwin Hospital Librarian requests assistance - sent book list and manual pro-forma; report on Medline demonstration by Fay Baker, Sandra Russell, Suzy Pacher, Bruce Davidson and Monash Biomedical Library staff; Addendum to February 1977 Newsletter on Medline charges by Monash University and the University of Melbourne.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (May 1977)

Contents: Workshop for untrained library clerical personnel working in small hospital libraries promoted by Pat Nakouz; newsletter exchange with New Zealand Medical Librarians; amendment sheets for Medical Libraries Directory - 40 contributing libraries; AACOBS Interlibrary Loan Code of August 1976; reports on pharmaceutical information and the Derwent patents database.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (October 1977)

Contents: three day workshop held at the Mayfield Centre by Pat Nakouz, Anne McLean, Anne Harrison, Amy Bush and Enid Meldrum for untrained library clerks; Ann McGalliard to co-ordinate Library Directory afterresignation of Heather McDonald; Committee: Elizabeth Osborn, Chairman, Anne McLean, Vice-Chairman/Treasurer, Margaret Kerr, Secretary.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (February 1978)

Contents: report from AMLG National Council meeting, 28th August 1977, Hobart, by Sandra Russell: 5 clauses of the Constitution were amended; George Franki will continue to compile the national newsletter; Shirley Liki, Department of Health, Canberra will be the next Convenor; Don Jamieson, Otago University, New Zealand, will maintain contacts with New Zealand; full text of the Amended Constitution, 28th August 1977; report by Sandra Russell of talk by Fiona Wright, Toastmistress' International, on how committee meetings are run.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (June 1978)

Contents: ruling from LAA allows MLG to request funding as a Special Interest Group for special projects; journal list update; part-time librarians appointed to Mount Royal Special Hospital for the Aged and the Mt Eliza Geriatric Centre; report of talk by Trevor Topfer, Training Manager, Hoechst Pharmaceutical Department, on the role of the librarian in patient education; report on joint meeting with the Information Science Section (Victorian Group) of the LAA on Medline: its present use and plans for future development, speakers: Sandra Russell (Monash University), Anne Harrison (University of Melbourne), and Paul Hodgson (Australian MEDLARS Service). Paul hoped that Medline would extend into the hospital field in the near future; Committee: Elizabeth Osborn, Chairman, Anne McLean, Vice-Chairman/Treasurer, Jane Oliver, Secretary.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter (October 1978)

Contents: Committee: Karen Bickerton, Chairman, Fay Baker, Vice-Chairman, Jane Oliver, Secretary; basic book list Sub-Committee comprises May McKeown, Gayle Edwards and Norma Worswick; most libraries are participating in the LAA Interlibrary Loan Voucher system; revised journal list prepared by Ann McGalliard ready for publication.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.1 (February 1983)

Contents: voucher-only LAA membership category for libraries below $25,000 per annum; Queensland Branch of Medical Libraries Section has been formed; audio-visual update one day seminar held at Ballarat Base Hospital was a success; legal responsibility of librarians; legal liability for providing misleading information; duty of care in giving information or advice. Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Anne McLean, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.3 (July 1983)

Contents: SA MLS is compiling a union list of serials held in medical libraries in South Australia; proposal to change name to Health Libraries Section; report on the Victorian Drug Information Centre at the Royal Melbourne Hospital; proposed Directory of Online Search Services in Australia; draft statistics form for hospital libraries; peer review; patient education information.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.4 (October 1983)

Contents: the role of sections and sectional groups of the LAA; report on the 5th Biennial Conference of Australian Medical Librarians, Perth; vote at the national AGM resolves our name to be the Medical Libraries Section of the LAA; draft standards for hospital libraries; report on visit to ACI to see personal computers, hardware, software, word processing; proposal for an Australian Library and Information Research Foundation; draft statement on patient education; Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Aina Zalitis, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.5 (February 1984)

Contents: successful breakfast AGM including talk by Carmen Hannaker on her role in the LAA General Council; CSIRO ceases Australian Science Index; proposal to form a Joint Australian Information Council; draft statement on volunteer workers in libraries; Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Aina Zalitis, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray, Sandra Russell, Anne Parkhowell, Enid Meldrum, Mary McGill.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.6 (April 1984)

Contents: general meeting selects Conference Planning Committee and hears report of Sandra Russell's exchange visit to Seattle, Washington; Andrew Rooke and Anne Parkhowell join Continuing Education Group; ACPAD (Australian Centre for Publications Acquired for Development) will accept unwanted books and journals; GRATISSA commences in South Australia.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
