Designing Posters & Infographics
Poster promoting live online workshop, held 19 August 2021, for librarians who are presenting the results of their research or assisting researchers and clinicians in health and medical disciplines.
Poster promoting live online workshop, held 19 August 2021, for librarians who are presenting the results of their research or assisting researchers and clinicians in health and medical disciplines.
Health Libraries Australia (HLA) is the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) national health libraries group. Contact information for the 2019 HLA Executive, including Convenor, National Manager, Treasurer, Secretary, Publications, and General Committee Members.
Health Libraries Australia (HLA) is the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) national health libraries group. The terms of reference for the HLA Executive define the commitee's:
Speaker list for a virtual professional development seminar held 26 November 2020, featuring presentations which highlight innovation in health libraries following the COVID-19 pandemic.
Event series presenting updates on the current state of Open Scholarship in Australia, facilitated from 15 July 2021 - 22 July 2021.
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Health Libraries Australia Executive (HLA) along with the ALIA Board of Directors supports the safety and well-being of library workers and the health sciences communities. The Executive advocates for the safety of members, colleagues, health care workers, and the general public in the continuing provision of information services and resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), through the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA), has identified the need for an easy way for library services to identify, collate and report on the activities which contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This template identifies the 10 goals that are most appropriate to Australian libraries and provides ideas for the kinds of content under each goal.
INCITE: The magazine for library and information professionals - July/August 2021 Volume 42 Issue 4 (supplement)
INCITE: The magazine for library and information professionals - July/August 2021 Volume 42 Issue 4
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) recognises that many Australian libraries are developing, or have developed, a privacy policy, which they publicise to their user community. These guidelines are intended to assist libraries to develop policies and practices which will enable them to comply with privacy codes, principles and related legislation. It is not intended that they should replace the obtaining of formal legal advice. Libraries may therefore also wish to seek advice from their organisation's legal advisers and lawyers, depending upon their circumstances.