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ALIA Library

IFLA global vision discussion: Report of the ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance

The Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) is part of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and represents 94% of all public libraries across Australia.
This report was created in an interactive process in Victoria in 2017 where 12 library leaders participated in a conversation about how a united library field can tackle the challenges of the future.

50 years of ALIA Schools

This document provides a timeline that covers the milestones in the history of school libraries which became a separate section of the Library Association of Australia, now the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), in 1967. It also highlights significant events in the education and/or government sectors. Data from many of the reports commissioned by ALIA was used for lobbying federal government bodies which resulted in funding for school library buildings and resources.


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