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ALIA Library

10 ways that libraries power high performance schools

Australian school libraries power high performance government, Catholic and independent schools through providing modern learning environments, digital hubs, developing student research skills, promoting reading for pleasure, providing curriculum support and cybersafety education, celebrating diversity, enabling participation and access, coordinating special programs, and building communities.

Draft 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap

This submission by the Australian Library and Information Assocation (ALIA) comments on the Draft 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap.
ALIA thanks the Expert Working Group (EWG) for listening to the case put forward by humanities, arts and cultural organisations, and for including Platforms for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) as one of its recommended nine focus areas. We are also pleased to see the National Library of Australia’s Trove identified, with others, as an existing national research infrastructure asset.

ALIA submission in response to the Australian Government Foreign Policy White Paper

Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Government's Foreign Policy White Paper. Libraries and other cultural institutions are well placed to contribute to foreign policy discussions in areas including:
- Australia’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Advice about the impact of trade agreements on domestic copyright
- Involvement in research and data initiatives to support Australia’s knowledge economy

Copyright​ ​Regulations​ ​2017​ ​Exposure​ ​Draft joint​ ​response​ ​from​ ​the​ ​ALCC​ ​and​ ​ADA

Australian Libraries Copyright Committee (ALCC) and the Australian Digital Alliance (ADA) joint submission on the Copyright Regulations 2017 responds to questions set out in the consultation paper and provides additional suggestions for small changes to the regulations. Issues raised relate to unpublished works, the safe harbour scheme, technological protection measures (TPM), fair dealings for students and researchers, regulations governing photocopier notices, and document delivery and interlibrary loan provisions.

Australian libraries support the Sustainable Development Goals

Since 2015, ALIA has been the lead association for discussions with the Australian Government and other stakeholders about the role that libraries play in contributing to the delivery of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We have been working to assist Australian library and information professionals and their organisations to be part of this international drive for greater social equality, improved economic prosperity and a more sustainable environmental approach.

ALIA submission in response to the Australian Government Inquiry into the UN Sustainable Development Goals

As a member of IFLA, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) has been an active participant in IFLA’s International Advocacy Programme. ALIA has been working to assist Australian library and information professionals and their organisations to be part of this international drive for greater social equality, improved economic prosperity and a more sustainable environmental approach.

Submission to the Senate Committee reviewing the Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Bill 2017

The Australian Libraries Copyright Committee (ALCC) welcomes the amendments to the Bill. A localised and universally applicable anti-piracy notice and takedown system for addressing local copyright infringements would increase clarity and reduce costs both for our members and for Australian creators.

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Regional Policy Consultation submission

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is working to support neighbours in the Asia-Pacific region through accreditation of library and information science education, promotion of professional networks, and the development of partnerships. ALIA recommends the forum formally recognise the importance of access to information for all and acknowledge and the need for library collaboration across the Region.

ALIA submission in response to the WA Public Libraries Strategy Consultation

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation and commends the WA Public Libraries Working Group on its approach to planning for the future. Public libraries are transforming their facilities, programs, services, technologies and staff skills to meet the challenges of our increasingly digital society. However, a significant additional investment in terms of funding, resources, skills and capacity is needed to ensure plans can be realised.


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