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ALIA Library

ALIA information online 2017 wrap up: 21st century librarians, publishing, ethnography [slides]

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: data information knowledge
Lunchtime Talk: Information Online wrap-up, April 2017
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) provides an overview of conference sessions relating to 21st century librarians, libraries and publishing and ethnography.

ALIA information online 2017 wrap up: top five programs [slides]

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: data information knowledge
Lunchtime Talk: Information Online wrap-up, April 2017
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) provides overview of conference sessions relating to teamwork, workplace diversity, client-focused service environments and user/staff experience design. 

An enterprise approach to research outputs collection, management and reporting at the University of South Australia: collaborating to innovate [slides]

ALIA Universities and Research Libraries (URLs) ACT, 14 September 2017 Canberra: Strange bedfellows - partnerships and collaborations in the age of digital disruption
The ALIA URL group provides a networking and information-sharing forum for all levels of library staff interested in issues and trends affecting the development of university and research libraries. 
This seminar presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports a session relating to the management of research data at the University of South Australia library.

Data science ethics [slides]

ALIA Universities and Research Libraries (URLs) ACT, 14 September 2017 Canberra: Strange bedfellows - partnerships and collaborations in the age of digital disruption
The ALIA URL group provides a networking and information-sharing forum for all levels of library staff interested in issues and trends affecting the development of university and research libraries. 
This seminar presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports a session relating to data science ethics in the management of research data. 

ALIA URLs: strange bedfellows - partnerships and collaborations in the age of digital disruption seminar program

ALIA Universities and Research Libraries (URLs) ACT, 14 September 2017 Canberra: Strange bedfellows - partnerships and collaborations in the age of digital disruption
The ALIA URL group provides a networking and information-sharing forum for all levels of library staff interested in issues and trends affecting the development of university and research libraries. 

Commonwealth government agency libraries review: literature review

Ongoing financial, administrative, and technological changes present significant challenges and opportunities for government libraries in delivering services to their clients. Determining how government library and information services might best confront these challenges and take advantage of new opportunities is crucial for the future of the sector. The Australian Government Libraries Information Network (AGLIN) has commissioned a review of service delivery models in Commonwealth Government libraries.

National library & information technicians symposium 2001: conference report

ALIA National Library and Information Technicians Symposium, 2001Tasmania
This conference report was composed by the recipient of the WALT symposium grant.
The aim of the WA Library Technicians Group (WALT) symposium grant is to enable students and recent graduates of a library technician qualification course to experience the value of a National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium. The Symposium is a prime source of professional development and networking opportunities for library technicians within Australia and overseas.

WA Library Technicians Group (WALT) conference grant: winning essay 2001

The aim of the WA Library Technicians Group (WALT) symposium grant is to enable students and recent graduates of a library technician qualification course to experience the value of a National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium. The Symposium is a prime source of professional development and networking opportunities for library technicians within Australia and overseas.

National library & information technicians symposium 2003: conference report

ALIA National Library and Information Technicians Symposium, 9-12 September 2003 Brisbane
This conference report was composed by the recipient of the WALT symposium grant.
The aim of the WA Library Technicians Group (WALT) symposium grant is to enable students and recent graduates of a library technician qualification course to experience the value of a National Library and Information Technicians' Symposium. The Symposium is a prime source of professional development and networking opportunities for library technicians within Australia and overseas.


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