HLA News: National News Bulletin of Health Libraries Australia - The national health group of the Australian Library and Information Association
This special issue of HLA News includes papers and posters from the Joint Collaboration Conference 2014 - Health Libraries Australia (ALIA) Annual Professional Development Day and 11th Health Libraries Inc Conference - held on Friday 19 September 2014 at the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne.
Contents: Let's proceed: Introduction to the proceedings from joint editors Ann Ritchie and Jane Orbell-Smith -- Keynote address: Collaboration - is it a mindset, a skill or just the latest fad? And why should librarians be embracing it -- Presentation 1: Part of the team - a collaborative effort to conduct an audit of disability research in Australia -- Presentation 2: Collaborating for patient information - a Macquarie University Library initiative -- Presentation 3: Health talks @ your library - a health literacy initiative -- Presentation 4: A shared language? - the who, what and why of health library use -- Presentation 5: Integrating a librarian into hospital-based research office and tertiary academic facility (education) -- Presentation 6: Supporting a Bachelor of Nursing Program in a Sydney Teaching Hospital - an enduring library partnership -- Presentation 7: Collaborating across health service boundaries -- Poster: Evaluation of the mental health specialist librarian role -- Poster: Collaboration - embedding scholarly information literacy in a veterinary science curriculum -- Poster: Librarians as collaborative research partners - EndNote education -- Poster: Tools for buidling our information future - emerging technologies vital to medical libraries -- Poster: Victorian Health Libraries Consortium 2014.