Special libraries: digital INCITE supplement - May/June 2019
INCITE: The magazine for library and information professionals - May/June 2019 Volume 40 Issue 5/6 (supplement)
INCITE: The magazine for library and information professionals - May/June 2019 Volume 40 Issue 5/6 (supplement)
These guidelines support the operations of special libraries, information services or corporate research units and their respective staff. They recognise the changing landscape for special libraries and the opportunities and challenges presented by digital content, delivery platforms and communications. They are designed to inform senior management about the role and value of special libraries, provide library managers with a benchmark, and guide staff in the delivery of programs and services.
Ongoing financial, administrative, and technological changes present significant challenges and opportunities for government libraries in delivering services to their clients. Determining how government library and information services might best confront these challenges and take advantage of new opportunities is crucial for the future of the sector. The Australian Government Libraries Information Network (AGLIN) has commissioned a review of service delivery models in Commonwealth Government libraries.
ALIA SA report on the closure of special libraries in South Australia.
National Library and Information Technicians Symposium, 27-29 September 2017 North Sydney: bridge to knowledge
This conference paper discusses an approach to effectively managing photographic digitisation projects.
Every special library is likely to experience the review process at some point, often triggered by changes in the parent organisation. It is important to remember that while a review is challenging, it is also an opportunity to reinforce messages about the role and value of the library and information service. The review process can result in the reduction of some library and information services, but others find themselves coming out of the process in an even stronger position.
ALIA Special Libraries Summit, 2 September 2016 Adelaide: a satellite event to the ALIA National Conference
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) invited leaders from special libraries in government, health, law, research and other fields to come together to discuss the issues affecting the sector, with the aim of developing the basis for a collaborative national action plan. This report summaries the outcomes of the summit.
In 2013, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) set out to investigate (1) How will libraries remain relevant for users? (2) What changes will institutions and individuals in the sector experience? (3) Will ‘library and information professional’ continue to be a necessary and desirable occupation? Three years on, we have reviewed the themes, actions and what we have learned since the original investigation. This is the May 2017 update of the Future of the LIS Profession: Special Libraries report.
This report, produced by Dr Katherine Howard and commissioned by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), is based on desk research carried out over the period of November 2016 to February 2017. It followed on from the Special Libraries Summit, held on 2 September, in Adelaide, alongside the ALIA National Conference.
Contents: AGM President's report; casemix; Australian Council of Allied Health Professionals; third Anne Harrison awarded to Veronica Delafosse.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.