Newsletter No.8 (September 1984)
Contents: computer applications in libraries, part 2; books and journals required for Western Samoa.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: computer applications in libraries, part 2; books and journals required for Western Samoa.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: computer applications in libraries, part 1; peer review; comments on the upcoming Copyright Amendment Act; more from Sandra Russell on libraries in the USA Jo Marshall convenes Conference Planning Committee.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: general meeting selects Conference Planning Committee and hears report of Sandra Russell's exchange visit to Seattle, Washington; Andrew Rooke and Anne Parkhowell join Continuing Education Group; ACPAD (Australian Centre for Publications Acquired for Development) will accept unwanted books and journals; GRATISSA commences in South Australia.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: successful breakfast AGM including talk by Carmen Hannaker on her role in the LAA General Council; CSIRO ceases Australian Science Index; proposal to form a Joint Australian Information Council; draft statement on volunteer workers in libraries; Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Aina Zalitis, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray, Sandra Russell, Anne Parkhowell, Enid Meldrum, Mary McGill.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: the role of sections and sectional groups of the LAA; report on the 5th Biennial Conference of Australian Medical Librarians, Perth; vote at the national AGM resolves our name to be the Medical Libraries Section of the LAA; draft standards for hospital libraries; report on visit to ACI to see personal computers, hardware, software, word processing; proposal for an Australian Library and Information Research Foundation; draft statement on patient education; Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Aina Zalitis, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray.
Contents: SA MLS is compiling a union list of serials held in medical libraries in South Australia; proposal to change name to Health Libraries Section; report on the Victorian Drug Information Centre at the Royal Melbourne Hospital; proposed Directory of Online Search Services in Australia; draft statistics form for hospital libraries; peer review; patient education information.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: Anne Harrison's retirement dinner report; proposal for free inter-library photocopy exchange; BIOSIS Previews seminar report; proposal for 38 hour work week by VAHPA Industrial Advisory Committee.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: voucher-only LAA membership category for libraries below $25,000 per annum; Queensland Branch of Medical Libraries Section has been formed; audio-visual update one day seminar held at Ballarat Base Hospital was a success; legal responsibility of librarians; legal liability for providing misleading information; duty of care in giving information or advice. Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Anne McLean, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: Committee: Karen Bickerton, Chairman, Fay Baker, Vice-Chairman, Jane Oliver, Secretary; basic book list Sub-Committee comprises May McKeown, Gayle Edwards and Norma Worswick; most libraries are participating in the LAA Interlibrary Loan Voucher system; revised journal list prepared by Ann McGalliard ready for publication.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: ruling from LAA allows MLG to request funding as a Special Interest Group for special projects; journal list update; part-time librarians appointed to Mount Royal Special Hospital for the Aged and the Mt Eliza Geriatric Centre; report of talk by Trevor Topfer, Training Manager, Hoechst Pharmaceutical Department, on the role of the librarian in patient education; report on joint meeting with the Information Science Section (Victorian Group) of the LAA on Medline: its present use and plans for future development, speakers: Sandra Russell (Monash University), Anne Harrison (Universit