Medical libraries

ALIA Library

Submission in response to the teaching, training and research costing studying public consultation paper - independent hospital pricing authority (IHPA) - December 2014

This paper is submitted as feedback to the IHPA (Independent Hospital Pricing Authority) public consultation paper prepared by Paxton Partners ‘Teaching, training and research costing study’ issued in December 2014.

The Executive of HLA is greatly concerned at the omission in the public consultation paper of the role performed by health libraries, and by information technology in general, in the paper prepared by Paxton Partners on the creation of an appropriate classification (costing study) for teaching, training and research (TTR).

Worth every cent and more: an independent assessment of the return on investment of health libraries in Australia. Summary

Health Libraries Inc (based in Victoria) and Health Libraries Australia (a national group of the Australian Library and Information Association) commissioned award-winning firm SGS Economics and Planning to survey health libraries across the nation and from this to assess the return on the annual investment in these services to their organisations. 

Worth every cent and more: an independent assessment of the return on investment of health libraries in Australia

The purpose of this report is to assist library and information professionals to present the business case for health libraries within their organisation. By doing so, we hope health libraries will be able to maintain their excellent service to medical practitioners; a service which impacts directly on positive health outcomes for patients.

Opening the doors of perception: reinventing an alcohol and drug information service

ALIA National 2014 Conference, 15-19 September 2014 Melbourne : together we are stronger
This conference presentation describes the work of the Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) which has historically provided an information service, including a traditional library service, to internal and external clients, but shifting environmental factors within the library and broader information provision fields stimulated the service to look beyond its traditional functions to define its place within a new paradigm.

National Newsletter (March 1999)

Contents: Health libraries news and views - National Executive now in Victoria; analysis of ALIA HLS membership; Health Libraries brochure now available; Anne Harrison award; ALIA Divisional reporting to General Council, Health Libraries Section - key issues for the section in 1999, division objectives for 1999, activities planned for 1999; Conference update; National Executive: Stephen Due, Veronica Delafosse, David Lloyd, Lorena Smirneos, Helen Stanton, Gabby Fennessy.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.



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