Medical libraries

ALIA Library

Living evidence: partnerships and technology for up to date, reliable evidence [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Professional Development Day, 18 & 19 July 2019 Melbourne: All about data - what do health librarians need to know in the data driven world of ehealth?
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the keynote address 'Living evidence - partnerships and technology for up to date, reliable evidence'.

Automation technologies to improve searching and study identification [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Professional Development Day, 18 & 19 July 2019 Melbourne: All about data - what do health librarians need to know in the data driven world of ehealth?
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the workshop 'Using automation tools to improve the speed of searching for studies for a systematic review'.

Work smarter, not harder: how to utilise data to build an efficient library service [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Professional Development Day, 18 & 19 July 2019 Melbourne: All about data - what do health librarians need to know in the data driven world of ehealth?
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the workshop 'Work smarter, not harder: how to utilise data to build an efficient library service'.

Advocacy for health libraries [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Professional Development Day, 18 & 19 July 2019 Melbourne: All about data - what do health librarians need to know in the data driven world of ehealth?
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the talk 'Advocacy for health libraries' and outlines an approach to effective advocacy and describes seven ways to improve advocacy skills.

Ask an informationist [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Professional Development Day, 18 & 19 July 2019 Melbourne: All about data - what do health librarians need to know in the data driven world of ehealth?
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the talk 'Ask an informationist - choosing wisely at Austin Health'.

Digital health and professional identity in Australian health libraries [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Professional Development Day, 18 & 19 July 2019 Melbourne: All about data - what do health librarians need to know in the data driven world of ehealth?
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) accompanied the talk 'Digital health and professional identity in Australian health libraries - evidence from a 2018 census of the Australian health information workforce' delivered in the 'HLA reports and future directions - census update' session.


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