Contents: Central Medical Library Organization catalogue extended to cover audio-visual materials; Pat Nakouz appointed as Regional Medical Librarian; Consultative Panel met Pat and will continue to advise the Hospital and Charities Commmission; office-bearers must also be LAA members; report on audio-visual workshop; free online access to Medline to commence at University of Melbourne and Monash University; Western Australian MLG draft constitution; book list draft, still seeking journal title suggestions; library manual pro forma draft; Committee: Esther Martin, Chairman, Anne McLean, Vic-Chairman/Treasurer, Jean Foreman, Secretary; thanks to Consultative Panel (Fay Baker, Amy Bush, Anne Harrison, Enid Meldrum, Val Strantzen), Standards Sub-Committee (Amy Bush, Judith Quilter), Book/Journal list revisers (Thora Grey, Ann McGalliard, Enid Meldrum, Elizabeth White), Workshop Committee (Sue Harvey, Anne McGalliard, Bronwyn Pearl), Special Libraries Section representative (Anne Harrison); report from Fay Baker on World Health Organization consultancy in Korea.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.