
ALIA Library

The eyes have it: individual differences and eye gaze behaviour in biomedical search

ALIA National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: engage create lead.
A poster paper describing a research project funded in part by the 2014 ALIA Research Grant Award.
This research lies at the emerging field of human information interaction and retrieval (CHIIR), with particular emphasis on user-centred approaches to information retrieval. The project included designing and conducting a user experiment to assess the effect of displayed Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms on gaze and search behaviour.

2016 national research infrastructure roadmap capability issues paper

This submission by the Australian Library and Information Assocation (ALIA) is in response to questions posed by the National Research Infrastructure Capability Issues Paper July 2016.
The Australian Government requested the development of the 2016 National Research Infrastructure Roadmap to determine Australia's national research infrastructure needs to underpin research efforts over the next decade.

Research Data Management support: sharing our experiences

ALIA National 2016 Conference 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage create lead
This paper explores the place of Research Data Management (RDM) support services as an extension of the academic librarian's role. The presenters anticipate that RDM support will become increasingly important in an ever-more data-driven research environment, and share the experiences of three South Australian university libraries in providing RDM, including the skillsets developed and lessons learned. 

Relevance 2020: LIS research in Australia

Relevance 2020 was a joint initiative of the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Charles Sturt University (CSU) to consider the need for further development of library and information science (LIS) research infrastructure in Australia to address gaps in LIS knowledge.
This report provides the results of six LIS research events in Australian capital cities in late 2016 that had the main purpose of connecting academics, researchers and practitioners in order to help align future research projects and activities in the Australian LIS profession.

Engaging stakeholders: the key to success in research data management services at UQ Library

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) supports the paper which discusses the strategies and approaches adopted over the past five years to engage and maintain relationships with the multiple critical stakeholders, and share the tangible outcomes achieved by developing the Research Data Management Services at UQ Library.

Engaging stakeholders: the key to success in research data management services at UQ Library

National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
[Peer reviewed] This conference paper will discuss the strategies and approaches adopted over the past five years to engage and maintain relationships with the multiple critical stakeholders, and share the tangible outcomes achieved by developing the Research Data Management Services at UQ Library.


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