Public libraries

ALIA Library

United Nations Declaration of Human Rights: activities for conversation classes

Exercises for conversation classes in public libraries.
The 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is being celebrated around the world this year and there will be special events at the National Library of Australia and several State Libraries on 10 December 2018, in partnership with the UN Association of Australia.

Stories to be told: Queensland communities collaborating around the untold stories of the First World War

ALIA National 2016 Conference, 29 August-2 September 2016 Adelaide: Engage Create Lead
This conference poster paper highlights a joint venture by the State Library of Queensland and HistoryPin to collaborate with community members to share untold stories of the First World War.

Services for migrants and refugees

When people arrive in Australia, whether through choice or for reasons of hardship, as migrants, international students, refugees or humanitarian entrants, they seek to make a place for themselves and their families in their new communities. They have to set up home, find employment, become familiar with cultural norms that are second nature to Australians but alien to new arrivals, and often their first language is not English.

Beyond a quality service: strengthening the social fabric. Standards and guidelines for Australian public libraries 1st ed.

This document is an evidence-based guide for the development of public library services in Australia. It uses the National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) annual collation of state and territory statistics as its evidence base, and builds on the earlier work on standards and guidelines carried out by the State Libraries of New South Wales and Queensland.


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