The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is committed to reconciliation in Australia. Respect for the diversity and individuality of all people is one of ALIA’s core values, and diversity has been selected by ALIA President, Vicki Edmunds as her Presidential theme for the years 2021-2023. ALIA’s Strategic Plan 2021-2024 has identified a priority action to ‘support a resilient, diverse workforce: attracting and developing talented, committed individuals from different cultural backgrounds, who will have the strength and agility to navigate a rapidly changing workplace.’ ALIA’s Innovate RAP will champion the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within the Presidential theme and also help to develop libraries’ role as culturally safe spaces.
ALIA’s commitment to developing the first Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan was confirmed by the development of a Working Group in February 2019 which has guided the development of the ALIA RAP. The Working Group champions all aspects of the RAP internally and, in 2022, consists of seven ALIA staff members along with the Indigenous Curator of the National Library of Australia.