
ALIA Library

Submission in response to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Regional Telecommunications Review

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and ALIA Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) respond to the Regional Telecommunications Review issues paper drafted by the Australian Federal Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications.

ALIA submission to Regional Telecommunications Review Discussion Paper, December 2007

This joint submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA), Australian Law Librarians Association (ALLA), School Library Association of Victoria (SLAV) and Australian School Library Association (ASLA) supports the provision of high quality and reliable telecommunications in regional areas and the increasingly important role of libraries in supporting the nation through their support of communities.

Submission in response to the Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee review into telecommunications services in Regional Australia

ALIA supports the development of a new model for minimising broadband data transmission costs for public information accessed through public institutions such as libraries and for non-commercial purposes.

It was also noted that there is a need for assistance from public library staff for users of electronic services, both for accessing government information and for everyday online tasks.

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