Health information library

ALIA Library

Digital health literacy: Final program report February 2022

In 2019, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) in partnership with Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA) and ALIA Health Libraries Australia (HLA), was successful in application to the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) to be a My Health Record (MHR) Consumer Education Community Delivery Partner. The aim of ALIA’s MHR education program was to deliver training to public library staff and relevant community partners so that they would be able to respond to enquiries about MHR, to be proactive in offering information about MHR, and feel confident when providing gui

Memorandum of understanding between Health Libraries Inc (HLI) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA)/Health Libraries Australia (HLA)

This document sets out the structure of the relationship between Health Libraries Inc (HLI) and the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), which includes Health Libraries Australia (HLA).

Making Griffith University's Open Research Statement a reality: first steps [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Lunchtime seminars 2021: Thursday 15th July and Thursday 22nd July, 1.00-2.30pm. 
This seminar presentation (PowerPoint slides) discusses the work of the Open Research Reference Group formed to address the barriers to change in the first steps towards making open research a reality at Griffith University.

A knowledge management system framework for an Australasia open biomedical repository [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Lunchtime seminars 2021: Thursday 15th July and Thursday 22nd July, 1.00-2.30pm. 
This seminar presentation (PowerPoint slides) facilitated sharing of results and discussion about PhD research by the author on a Knowledge Management System framework for an Australasia open biomedical repository.

Towards a national strategy for FAIR and open access to Australia’s research outputs [slides]

Health Libraries Australia Lunchtime seminars 2021: Thursday 15th July and Thursday 22nd July, 1.00-2.30pm. 
This seminar presentation (PowerPoint slides) discusses work by the authors to progress an open research strategy, done at a national level, including implications for health researchers and health research leaders.

Health Libraries Australia "Open Scholarship - All things open" 2021: Seminar 2 [video]

Health Libraries Australia Lunchtime seminars 2021: Thursday 15th July and Thursday 22nd July, 1.00-2.30pm. 
Webconference recording (MP4 audiovisual) of seminar 2 of the "Open Scholarship - All things open" seminars held by HLA, which feature presentations on open access resources in university and health libraries.

Health Libraries Australia "Open Scholarship - All things open" 2021: Seminar 1 [video]

Health Libraries Australia Lunchtime seminars 2021: Thursday 15th July and Thursday 22nd July, 1.00-2.30pm. 
Webconference recording (MP4 audiovisual) of session 1 of the "Open Scholarship - All things open" seminars held by HLA, which feature presentations on open access resources in university and health libraries.


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