Electronic publications

ALIA Library

A new mandate for the digital age: implementing electronic legal deposit at the National Library of Australia

ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
This conference paper discusses the implementation of electronic legal deposit at the National Library of Australia.
Abstract: In February 2016 the legal deposit provisions in Australia’s Copyright Act were expanded to include digital publications and the public .au web domain. The result of twenty years of advocacy, the new provisions marks a dramatic shift in how Australia collects, preserves and makes accessible the full online publishing landscape.

National edeposit (NED): capturing and preserving the digital documentary history of Australia

ALIA Information Online 2019 Conference, 11-15 February 2019 Sydney: Infinite Possibilities
This paper "National edeposit (NED): an innovative solution meeting the challenge of capturing and preserving the digital documentary history of Australia" accompanied the talk on an online service for the deposit, archiving, management, discovery and delivery of published electronic material across Australia.


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