
ALIA Library

Australian national early literacy summit 2016: pre-summit consultation

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
The aim of the National Early Literacy Summit is to spark debate about what a National Early Literacy Strategy for Australia might include and how it would help deliver the best results, building on existing work such as the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association’s "Declaration of Literacy in 21st Century Australia" and Victorian Libraries' "Reading and Literacy for All". 

Australian national early literacy summit 2016: participant feedback

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
The aim of the National Early Literacy Summit is to spark debate about what a National Early Literacy Strategy for Australia might include and how it would help deliver the best results, building on existing work such as the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association’s "Declaration of Literacy in 21st Century Australia" and Victorian Libraries' "Reading and Literacy for All". 

Australian national early literacy summit 2016 program

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
The aim of the National Early Literacy Summit is to spark debate about what a National Early Literacy Strategy for Australia might include and how it would help deliver the best results, building on existing work such as the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association’s "Declaration of Literacy in 21st Century Australia" and Victorian Libraries' "Reading and Literacy for All". 

Early literacy framework and strategy for Australian public libraries

The purpose of this national early literacy framework and strategy for Australian public libraries is to define the special role of public libraries in early literacy; to raise the profile of the important role that public libraries play in pre-school learning both internally (with library staff) and externally, with the public, government and especially funding bodies; to gain formal recognition from government and other agencies providing early childhood support and services, resulting in the inclusion of public library representatives in high level state, territory and local government p


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