Library circulation and loans

ALIA Library

Supplementary Submission: Public, Educational and Digital Lending Rights

This supplementary submission is made to the Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts in regards Australia’s lending rights schemes. This short submission clarifies comments made about public and educational lending rights at the hearing on 13 November 2020, including the importance of supplementing the existing lending to cover Australian ebooks and audiobooks collected and loaned by Australia’s libraries.

A snapshot of eLending in public libraries

This document presents the results of a survey undertaken by the Australian Library and Information Association Book Industry and eLending Advisory Committee. The survey provides a snapshot of the situation at the end of 2019. The top five 'asks' from respondents were a wider range of ebook content, better lending model conditions, improved cost per use, improved timeliness of release to libraries and improved reporting. While 83% were satisfied or very satisfied with the choice of ebooks, 91% were less than satisfied or not satisfied by the licensing conditions and costs.

ALIA position statement on ebooks and elending. May 2013

Taking into account feedback received from library and information professionals, ALIA developed a set of key principles for the procurement and use of ebooks in Australian libraries. These basic principles will guide the sector’s response to government policy and commercial initiatives, support our lobbying and advocacy, and enable us to take the lead in areas over which we have direct control.


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