Copyright licenses

ALIA Library

ALIA joint submission to Productivity Commission on Copyright Restrictions on the Parallel Importation of Books, January 2009

This joint submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), the Australian Digital Alliance (ADA), and the Australian Libraries Copyright Committee (ALCC) expresses the view that the removal of parallel importation restrictions is not needed in order to provide creators with further incentive to create and innovate.

A snapshot of eLending in public libraries

This document presents the results of a survey undertaken by the Australian Library and Information Association Book Industry and eLending Advisory Committee. The survey provides a snapshot of the situation at the end of 2019. The top five 'asks' from respondents were a wider range of ebook content, better lending model conditions, improved cost per use, improved timeliness of release to libraries and improved reporting. While 83% were satisfied or very satisfied with the choice of ebooks, 91% were less than satisfied or not satisfied by the licensing conditions and costs.

Authorisation in context: Potential consequences of the proposed amendments to Australian secondary liability law

This report, commissioned by the Australian Digital Alliance, discusses the Australian Government proposed amendments to the Copyright Act 1968 which seek to broaden the circumstances in which an organisation or individual may be liable for someone else’s copyright infringement. Although the Government’s proposed amendment appears to be squarely aimed at ISPs, the amendments would apply with equal force to any other person who provides goods or services which may be put to infringing use.

Blue skies in copyright and licensing: what's new, what's on the horizon [slides]

Share it: Resource Sharing Futures Conference, 10-11 May 2018 Canberra
In collaboration with ALIA, Libraries Australia held Share it, a two-day resource sharing futures event. The aim of Share it was to discuss the current Australian resource sharing landscape and issues around the complex world of modern resource sharing. A further aim was to determine whether there is still a need for a national resource sharing service and, if so, to develop a resource sharing road map and action plan for Australia.

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