
ALIA Library

Cataloguing standards are evolving – still [slides]

Just when you thought you had your cataloguing standards all under control, there’s a new development lurking in the wings … BIBFRAME.
Two years ago, the cataloguing community embraced Resource Description and Access (RDA) as a new cataloguing standard. The dust is settling, workflows have evolved to accommodate RDA standards; Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC) has been adapted to carry RDA data and library management systems have been updated.

Cataloguing standards are evolving – still

Just when you thought you had your cataloguing standards all under control, there’s a new development lurking in the wings … BIBFRAME.
Two years ago, the cataloguing community embraced Resource Description and Access (RDA) as a new cataloguing standard. The dust is settling, workflows have evolved to accommodate RDA standards; Machine Readable Cataloguing (MARC) has been adapted to carry RDA data and library management systems have been updated.

ALIA Community on Resource Description (ACORD): Terms of Reference 2019

The ALIA Community on Resource Description (ACORD) is a new ALIA Advisory and Special Interest Group which aims to support the Australian resource description community. ACORD carries forward the role previously played by the Australian Committee on Cataloguing (ACOC), which dissolved in May 2019, after 40 years of serving the Australian cataloguing and resource description community.
This document sets out the 2019 ACORD Terms of Reference.


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