Newsletter No.12 (February 1989)
Contents: News from the conference committee; Anne Harrison fund; status of women in librarianship.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: News from the conference committee; Anne Harrison fund; status of women in librarianship.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: 7th Biennial Medical Librarians' Conference report; GRATIS/GRATISQ/GRATISSA meeting; 1987 AGM; photographs from the conference; Anne Harrison award 1987; National Minimum Standards for Hospital Libraries; vote for name change to Health Libraries Section.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: Greetings from the National Executive, includes photograph of Stephen Cramond, Julie Freund, Lindsay Harris, Jan Heath, Chris O'Loughlin, Barbara Miskelly, Elisabeth Gatehouse; 7th Australian Biennial Medical Librarians' Conference, 13th-17th September, Adelaide including programme highlights - Fiona Mackay Picken, Dr Julie Virgo, Dr Norman Swan, Margaret Gibson-Smith, Bert Pribac, Roberta Atwell, Peter Saunders; conference steering committee photograph - Jan Heath, Nerida Wilkinson, Margie Russon, Robyn Painter, Barbara Miskelly, Elisabeth Gatehouse, Julie Hooke; Anne Harrison aw
Contents: Report from the L.A.A. 1986 Biennial Conference, Darwin; report of the Medical Libraries Section 1986 A.G.M., Darwin; transfer of nurse training; Anne Harrison fund; awards; news on union lists; hospital library standards.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: National Executive Committee office bearers: Jan Heath, Lindsay Harris, Barbara Miskelly, Stephen Cramond, Chris O'Loughlin, committe members: Elisabeth Gatehouse, Julie Freund, Jan Stokes; 7th biennial Australian Medical Librarian's Conference 13th-17th September 1987; 1986 LAA Biennial Conference, Darwin; hospital standards; Anne Harrison fund; Awards: LAA Letter of Recognition to Elisabeth Gatehouse; news on union lists; South Australian Central Medical Library; course in medical librarianship; transfer of nursing education.
Contents: Election of the National Executive Committee 1986, South Australia, office bearers: Jan Heath, Elisabeth Gatehouse, Lindsay Harris, Barbara Miskelly, Stephen Cramond, Julie Freund, Nerida Wilkinson, Jan Stokes, Chris O'Loughlin; conferences: report of the 6th Biennial Australian Medical Librarians' Conference 25th-29th August 1985; 5th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, Tokyo, 30th September- 4th October 1985; transfer of basic nursing education from hospitals to Colleges of Advanced Education; news from the president; hospital standards committee; membership; 1986 B
National Executive Committee office bearers: Joan Martin, Sandra Russell, Barbara Jacoby; committee members: Enid Meldrum, Anne Parkhowell, Jo Marshall, Mary McGill, Aina Zalitis; conference news; standards for hospital libraries; corporate plan and review.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: Meetings, conference programme outline for 6th Biennial Conference 25th-29th August 1985; IFLA world list of biological and medical science libraries; news from State meetings; National Executive office bearers: Joan Martin, Sandra Russell, Barbara Jacoby; committee members: Anne Parkhowell, Jo Marshall, Mary McGill, Aina Zalitis.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: National Committee; Australian Medical Libraries' 5th Biennial Conference steering committee: Ingrid Sims, Cheryl Hamill, Ethel Horner, Barabara Proud, Sue Bolton, Anne Le Fevre; sectional groups office bearers: New South Wales: John Holgate, Frances Aitken, Shirley McGlynn; South Australia: Elizabeth Gatehouse, Pamela Griffiths, Barbara Miskelly; Victoria: Susan Liepa, Aina Zalitis, Judith Quilter; Western Australia: Ethel Horner, Rita Higham, Denis Kelly.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
Contents: National Committee: Brenda Heagney, John Holgate, Sue Brockway, Frances Aitken, George Franki, Douglas Hunt, Shirley McGlynn; membership; sectional groups: New South Wales inaugual meeting planning; Victorian group council: Joan Martin, Judith Quilter, Sue Hill, Anne McLean, Sandra Russell; Western Australian group office bearers: Ann Gillett, Eff Horner. Denis Kelly; committee members: June Rider-Jones, Gillian Smith, Maureen Nilson; South Australian group: Julie Hooke, Mary Jones, Elizabeth Gatehouse; activities for 1982.