
ALIA Library

Health Libraries' Section National Newsletter No.26 (July 1993)

Contents: Conference report - Medical Library Association 93rd Annual Meeting, May 14-20 1993, Chicago, Illinois by Rolf Schafer; hospital library standards; Vale Sian Jane Hayes; NLM update; Medline replaced by the Australasian Medical Index; The Human Services Thesaurus 2nd. ed.; Anne Harrison award; conference/national executive rotation; Australian Council of Allied Health Professionals.
Orginal document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Health Libraries' Section National Newsletter No.24 (December 1992)

Contents: National Executive : Brigitte Glockner, Elizabeth Hides, Caroline Dowling, Anne Batt, Gaye Sweeney, Susan Lutley, Cheryl Hamill; The Australian Society of the History of Medicine; news from the fledgling ACT HLS section; HHCS Thesaurus 2nd. ed.; sensitive reference issues; casemix funding; archival storage of HLS Newsletters; Anne Harrison award.

Original document housed in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.21 (July 1991)

Contents: Conference progress report; National Minimum Standards for Hospital Libraries, members of the subcommittee: Trish Aguado, Don Keast, Judith Weaver, Fay Heikkila, Ruth Murray, Paul Davis; HOSPLAN; future conferences and national executives for health.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.20 (March 1991)

Contents: National Executive office bearers: Linda Mulheron, Ian Stubbin, Kay Vincent, committee members: Patricia Aguado, Katherine Keily, Rolf Schafer, Virginia Staggs, Marion Steele; Anne Harrison award; Australian Medline network; The Australian Council of Allied Professions; goals and objectives for 1991; news from the conference.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.17 (August 1990)

Contents: National Executive officer bearers: Linda Mulheron, Ian Stubbin, Kay Vincent, executive: Marion Steele, Virginia Staggs, Katherine Keily, Patricia Aguado; library training material 1990; Australian Council of Healthcare Standards (ACHS) letter responding to comments on the ACHS Library Service Field Review Draft.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


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