Early childhood development

ALIA Library

First 5 forever

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
This conference presentation (PowerPoint slides) from the summit provides an overview of the 'First 5 forever' program in Queensland.

Australian national early literacy summit 2016: pre-summit consultation

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
The aim of the National Early Literacy Summit is to spark debate about what a National Early Literacy Strategy for Australia might include and how it would help deliver the best results, building on existing work such as the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association’s "Declaration of Literacy in 21st Century Australia" and Victorian Libraries' "Reading and Literacy for All". 

Australian national early literacy summit 2016: participant feedback

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
The aim of the National Early Literacy Summit is to spark debate about what a National Early Literacy Strategy for Australia might include and how it would help deliver the best results, building on existing work such as the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association’s "Declaration of Literacy in 21st Century Australia" and Victorian Libraries' "Reading and Literacy for All". 

Australian national early literacy summit 2016 program

Australian National Early Literacy Summit, 7-8 March 2016 Canberra
The aim of the National Early Literacy Summit is to spark debate about what a National Early Literacy Strategy for Australia might include and how it would help deliver the best results, building on existing work such as the Australian Literacy Educators’ Association’s "Declaration of Literacy in 21st Century Australia" and Victorian Libraries' "Reading and Literacy for All". 

Submission in response to the Australian Government Productivity Commission Issues Paper on childcare and early childhood learning from the Australian Library and Information Association Public Libraries Advisory Committee

Australian Library and Information Association is responding to the Early Childhood Learning element of the Productivity Commission Issues Paper, with the aim of: securing explicit acknowledgement of the role of Australian public libraries in early childhood development in the final report to Government (31 October 2014), and encouraging discussion to identify further opportunities for the national network of 1500 public libraries to be used by federal, state and local government to support early childhood learning provision.


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