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ALIA Library

The library and information agenda 2013

This document summarises how people who work in the library and information field want the new Australian Government to engage with library and information services during its term of office. In the run up to the federal election, we will be lobbying for The Library and Information Agenda – four themes and 10 items which we believe are essential for promoting literacy, enabling citizens to be well informed, supporting socially inclusive communities and contributing to the success of Australia as a knowledgebased economy. 

ALIA overview of the 2014-2015 Federal budget

This summary for the library and information includes the defunding of the Get Ready program; consolidation of back office functions of collection agencies; enchancing online safety for children; Australian Insitute for Teachng and School Leadership funding; university fees; community heritage program; Medical Research Future fund; industry skills fund; restart programme to encourage the employment of older Australians.

Library technician education in Australia: state of the nation report

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) report highlights areas of good practice and provides a series of recommendations for enhancements to course content for the future. It also examines a number of critical issues that are likely to impact on library technician courses due to developments in the structure and funding of education in Australia, as well as changes within the Library Information Studies sector as a whole.

The need for interlibrary lending in an ebook environment

The ALIA Interlibrary Lending Advisory Committee carried out research to find out if interlibrary lending and document delivery would still be important in the ebook world. This report highlights the findings and the information generated will help inform the work of the Advisory Committee. It will be of great value in discussions with library vendors, publishers, authors, government and other stakeholders.


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