Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

ALIA Library

Principles of access to public sector information

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the federal government’s commitment to open government policies and freedom of information and agrees that public sector information should be recognised as a national resource to be developed and preserved in the public interest. ALIA asserts that this information should be publicly available except where restricted by law, privacy considerations or is business in confidence.

ALIA and international relations statement

The Australian library and information profession is committed to increasing the Australian Library and Information Association’s presence in the global library community, to providing leadership through ALIA’s expertise and to promoting greater understanding of international librarianship and library issues in the global information environment.
Adopted 1997. Amended 2001. Reviewed 2009. Amended 2018. Superceded by "ALIA international relations statement" (2022).


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