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ALIA Library

Newsletter No.29 (March 1990)

Contents: Executive: Ruth Lawrence, Judy Stoelwinder, Jennifer Treller, Scott Holmes, Anne McLean; ALIA statement on professional ethics; report on Country Librarians' Seminar; changes to Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Library Service chapter; conspectus in Australia; NICAN (National Information Network) demonstrations.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.28 (December 1989)

Contents: report of tour of Apollo-Moon Bookbinders; report of Country Librarians Seminar; report on Joint Conference of the Health Libraries Sections of ALIA and the NZLA; GRATISNET born to be national version; report on first National Library Promotion Forum; award restructuring; ACHS (Australian Council on Healthcare Standards) standards for library services.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


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