Library cooperation

ALIA Library

Special libraries directory 2020, 2nd edition

ALIA’s Special Libraries Working Group has put together this directory of special libraries to support collaboration. This directory is an update of the 2019 edition, and is not a comprehensive listing, but it does identify like-minded individuals working in similar situations. The aim is to enable people to share non-competitive information, insight, expertise, ideas and resources; to improve the sense of connectedness in a sector with many one-person libraries, and to strengthen special libraries’ advocacy network.

Special libraries directory 2019-2020, 1st edition

ALIA’s Special Libraries Working Group has put together this directory of special libraries to support collaboration. The directory is not a comprehensive listing, but it does identify like-minded individuals working in similar situations. The aim is to enable people to share non-competitive information, insight, expertise, ideas and resources; to improve the sense of connectedness in a sector with many one-person libraries, and to strengthen special libraries’ advocacy network.

Collaborative innovation: Australia's National edeposit network (NED) [poster]

Asia-Pacific Library and Information Conference 2018, 30 July - 2 August 2018 Gold Coast: Roar Leap Dare
This conference poster presentation charts the collaborative journey of Australia’s nine national, state and territory libraries to address how libraries collect, describe, preserve, store and make available digital publications through the National edeposit networking (NED). 

ALIA submission in response to the WA Public Libraries Strategy Consultation

The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation and commends the WA Public Libraries Working Group on its approach to planning for the future. Public libraries are transforming their facilities, programs, services, technologies and staff skills to meet the challenges of our increasingly digital society. However, a significant additional investment in terms of funding, resources, skills and capacity is needed to ensure plans can be realised.


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