ALIA Information Online 2017 Conference, 13-17 February 2017 Sydney: Data Information Knowledge
This presentation (PowerPoint slides) supported the talk on the development of personalised library services.
Abstract: In the world today we experience convenience through data intelligence in our apps making the response very personal. Today my map app told me which main road to drive to work as the traffic was light – with absolutely no personal data provided by me. A friend’s daughter bought her graduation dress online and was informed by the app not to buy that dress as three were already bought for the same event – with very limited data provided to the app by her. Libraries, to remain convenient, relevant and used, need to act in a personal way too – Our Library Management Systems, our Library practices and our Library procedures. Our vendors also need to provide technical solutions to allow increased personalisation to happen. State Library of Queensland has entered into a development partnership with SOLUS UK to develop a discovery layer cloud based system (LUCI) that can deliver personalised discovery for library users similar to the Spotify experience.