ALIA Library

National Newsletter (July/August 2001)

Contents: Health Libraries Australia: new group endorsed by ALIA; ALIA Group application form; reports from portfolio holders on information policy, benchmarking, evidence based healthcare; consortia; summaries from Queensland, Western Australia, ACT, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, New South Wales and Victoria. National Executive: Melanie Kammermann (Convenor), Patrick O'Connor (Secretary), Veronica Delafosse (Treasurer).
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

National Newsletter (September/October 1999)

Contents: ALIA branches, sections and the proposed restructure; Health Libraries Section future; making websites user-focussed; focus session on evidence-based health care; Minutes and President's Report, Annual General Meeting, 24th August 1999, Hobart; stress management attitude part 2; Anne Harrison Award 1999: Directory of Electronic Health Sciences Journals, Adam Clark; National Executive in Victoria: Stephen Due, Veronica Delafosse, Helen Stanton, Lorena Smirneos, David Lloyd, Gabby Fennessy.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


National Newsletter (June 1999)

Contents: GST Goods and Services Tax facts for health librarians; CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme; Quality Use of Medicines Mapping Project; stress management attitude part 1; CPD Continuing Professional Development; ICML International Congress on Medical Librarianship, London, 2000, update; National Executive in Victoria: Stephen Due, Veronica Delafosse, Helen Stanton, Lorena Smirneos, David Lloyd, Gabby Fennessy.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.



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