Special libraries

ALIA Library

National Newsletter (September/October 1999)

Contents: ALIA branches, sections and the proposed restructure; Health Libraries Section future; making websites user-focussed; focus session on evidence-based health care; Minutes and President's Report, Annual General Meeting, 24th August 1999, Hobart; stress management attitude part 2; Anne Harrison Award 1999: Directory of Electronic Health Sciences Journals, Adam Clark; National Executive in Victoria: Stephen Due, Veronica Delafosse, Helen Stanton, Lorena Smirneos, David Lloyd, Gabby Fennessy.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


National Newsletter (June 1999)

Contents: GST Goods and Services Tax facts for health librarians; CASP Critical Appraisal Skills Programme; Quality Use of Medicines Mapping Project; stress management attitude part 1; CPD Continuing Professional Development; ICML International Congress on Medical Librarianship, London, 2000, update; National Executive in Victoria: Stephen Due, Veronica Delafosse, Helen Stanton, Lorena Smirneos, David Lloyd, Gabby Fennessy.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


Newsletter (August 1972)

Contents: membership = 44; report on wages case for the Association of Hospital and Health Services Librarians; report on Anne Harrison's visit to Sydney Branch where their meetings have speakers giving lectures rather than the workshop-type approach; proposed submission to the forthcoming Committee on Medical Schools of the Australian Universities Commission stressed the need for the provision of funds for library support to the medical schools' teaching and research functions, to the emerging concept of continuing education for medical practitioners, and the provision of trained personnel

Newsletter (May 1972)

Contents: The group now has 41 members; Miss Harrison and Mrs Baillie reported that New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory and South Australia had formed state branches; slides (courtesy of the National Library) shown by Anne Harrison on the formation and work of MEDLARS; Miss Quilter reported on the application of the Association of Hospital and Health Services Librarians to the Wages Board, it was expected an interim award would align the salaries of medical librarians with those of medical photographers; inter-libary loans procedures and protocol is to be the subject of the next m

Newsletter (February 1972)

Contents: A workshop of stationery forms used in medical libraries was planned for the meeting on 16 May 1972; inter-library loan procedures will be discussed during the August meeting; Judith Quilter presented a report on an application to the Wages Board hearing; the Medical Librarians' Group  information card was discussed and samples circulated; John Vaughan hopes to establish a group in Canberra; Miss Harrison and Mrs Baillie as co-conveners of the National Steering Committee were asked to report to the Australian Library Journal about the formation of the group and the conveners of th

Newsletter (November 1971)

Contents: 1st meeting called Report of Meeting, 23rd Nov, 1971; formation of a Victorian Branch of the Medical Librarians' Group; the following resolutions were made: that such a group be formed, eligibility, subscription cost $2 per annum, frequency of meetings and no committee was formed, Fay Baker and Enid Meldrum were appointed as joint conveners of the Group. 
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

The community returns generated by Australian 'special' libraries

A consortium of library associations including the Australian Government Libraries Information Network (AGLIN), Australian Law Librarians’ Association (ALLA), Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), Health Libraries Australia (HLA) and Health Libraries Inc (HLI) has worked with SGS Economics & Planning Pty Ltd (SGS) in the prepartion of this report.

National Newsletter (March 1999)

Contents: Health libraries news and views - National Executive now in Victoria; analysis of ALIA HLS membership; Health Libraries brochure now available; Anne Harrison award; ALIA Divisional reporting to General Council, Health Libraries Section - key issues for the section in 1999, division objectives for 1999, activities planned for 1999; Conference update; National Executive: Stephen Due, Veronica Delafosse, David Lloyd, Lorena Smirneos, Helen Stanton, Gabby Fennessy.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.



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