Medical libraries

ALIA Library

Newsletter No.6 (May 1986)

Contents: National Executive Committee office bearers: Jan Heath, Lindsay Harris, Barbara Miskelly, Stephen Cramond, Chris O'Loughlin, committe members: Elisabeth Gatehouse, Julie Freund, Jan Stokes; 7th biennial Australian Medical Librarian's Conference 13th-17th September 1987; 1986 LAA Biennial Conference, Darwin; hospital standards; Anne Harrison fund; Awards: LAA Letter of Recognition to Elisabeth Gatehouse; news on union lists; South Australian Central Medical Library; course in medical librarianship; transfer of nursing education.

Newsletter No.5 (December 1985)

Contents: Election of the National Executive Committee 1986, South Australia, office bearers: Jan Heath, Elisabeth Gatehouse, Lindsay Harris, Barbara Miskelly, Stephen Cramond, Julie Freund, Nerida Wilkinson, Jan Stokes, Chris O'Loughlin; conferences: report of the 6th Biennial Australian Medical Librarians' Conference 25th-29th August 1985; 5th International Congress on Medical Librarianship, Tokyo, 30th September- 4th October 1985; transfer of basic nursing education from hospitals to Colleges of Advanced Education; news from the president; hospital standards committee; membership; 1986 B

Newsletter No.4 (July 1985)

National Executive Committee office bearers: Joan Martin, Sandra Russell, Barbara Jacoby; committee members: Enid Meldrum, Anne Parkhowell, Jo Marshall, Mary McGill, Aina Zalitis; conference news; standards for hospital libraries; corporate plan and review.

Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.3 (November 1984)

Contents: Meetings, conference programme outline for 6th Biennial Conference 25th-29th August 1985; IFLA world list of biological and medical science libraries; news from State meetings; National Executive office bearers: Joan Martin, Sandra Russell, Barbara Jacoby; committee members: Anne Parkhowell, Jo Marshall, Mary McGill, Aina Zalitis.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.2 (July 1983)

Contents: National Committee; Australian Medical Libraries' 5th Biennial Conference steering committee: Ingrid Sims, Cheryl Hamill, Ethel Horner, Barabara Proud, Sue Bolton, Anne Le Fevre; sectional groups office bearers: New South Wales: John Holgate, Frances Aitken, Shirley McGlynn; South Australia: Elizabeth Gatehouse, Pamela Griffiths, Barbara Miskelly; Victoria: Susan Liepa, Aina Zalitis, Judith Quilter; Western Australia: Ethel Horner, Rita Higham, Denis Kelly.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter, No.1 (February 1982)

Contents: National Committee: Brenda Heagney, John Holgate, Sue Brockway, Frances Aitken, George Franki, Douglas Hunt, Shirley McGlynn;  membership; sectional groups: New South Wales inaugual meeting planning; Victorian group council: Joan Martin, Judith Quilter, Sue Hill, Anne McLean, Sandra Russell; Western Australian group office bearers: Ann Gillett, Eff Horner. Denis Kelly; committee members: June Rider-Jones, Gillian Smith, Maureen Nilson; South Australian group: Julie Hooke, Mary Jones, Elizabeth Gatehouse; activities for 1982.

Guidelines for Australian health libraries 4th edition

The challenge, particularly with a prescriptive document such as this, is to produce guidelines which are broad enough to encompass all health libraries but which detail an acceptable and achievable level of practice across those same libraries. To this end the Guidelines need to be flexible, adaptable and applicable irrespective of the size and makeup of any individual library service. It is hoped the fourth edition of the Guidelines for Australian Health Libraries achieves this desired outcome. 

Newsletter, No.1 (December 1975)

Contents: Formation of the Australian Medical Librarians' Group; National Council. Present were: Brenda Heagney, Anne Harrison, Jac Baillie, Judith Lloyd and George Franki. The state representatives are: Allan Bourne, Amy Bush, Bert Pribac, Maureen Bell, Merle Ellens and Ingrid Sims.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.


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